Hillary Clinton facing a criminal probe?

Good day all. Last week news came out that the FBI is conducting a criminal probe into Hillary Rodham “Cankles” Clinton’s private email server. The reason is pretty simple to understand. We now have confirmation that she was transmitting and reviving classified messages through that unsecured system.

hillary clinton awful

As the sites that love to generate click bait say, “This is BIG!!!” We know that Cankles has been outright lying about her mail server and that she had it wiped to cover up what she was sending through it. Now, the investigation has been referred to the Department of InJustice and it’s apparently a criminal investigation. Here are the details from the New York Post:

The FBI investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s unsecured email account is not just a fact-finding venture — it’s a criminal probe, sources told The Post on Wednesday. The feds are investigating to what extent Clinton relied on her home server and other private devices to send and store classified documents, according to a federal source with knowledge of the inquiry.

It’s definitely a criminal probe,” said the source. “I’m not sure why they’re not calling it a criminal probe. “The DOJ [Department of Justice] and FBI can conduct civil investigations in very limited circumstances,” but that’s not what this is, the source stressed. “In this case, a security violation would lead to criminal charges. Maybe DOJ is trying to protect her campaign.”

This is a nightmare scenario for the Progressive Liberal Fascist Democrats. The Obama Regime has already gone after and bagged former CIA director, General Petraeus for sharing classified information with someone not cleared to see it. If I recall correctly, they didn’t pass it on to others, but Petraeus was forced to resign. What Cankles did is far worse. She was sending and receiving classified information through a non-governmental mail server that was not secure or rated to handle that information. There is no doubt that server was hacked as soon as foreign powers discovered it existed and that Cankles was using it for official business.

Clinton’s camp has downplayed the inquiry as civil and fact-finding in nature. Clinton herself has said she is “confident” that she never knowingly sent or received anything that was classified via her private email account.


But the inspector general for the intelligence community has told Congress that of 40 Clinton emails randomly reviewed as a sample of her correspondence as secretary of state, four contained classified information.

A random sample and the found that 10 percent of the messages were classified? Yeah, there’s a problem here for Saint Cankles.

If it is proved that Clinton knowingly sent, received or stored classified information in an unauthorized location, she risks prosecution under the same misdemeanor federal security statute used to prosecute former CIA Director Gen. David Petraeus, said former federal prosecutor Bradley Simon.

Oh I think she faces far more than a misdemeanor charge. In fact, a navy sailor is now facing charges for taking pictures inside a nuclear submarine and then destroying his phone and computer when he found out he was being investigated. From what I can see, he had no intention of passing along that information to anyone. Tell me why this is any different from what Cankles did in destroying her email server?

The statute — which was also used to prosecute Bill Clinton’s national security adviser, Sandy Berger, in 2005 — is rarely used and would be subject to the discretion of the attorney general.


And we know that there is no way in Hell that Lynch will order the prosecution of Saint Cankles.

Still, “They didn’t hesitate to charge Gen. Petraeus with doing the same thing, downloading documents that are classified,” Simon said. “The threshold under the statute is not high — they only need to prove there was an unauthorized removal and retention” of classified material, he said.

Petraeus was not one of the “Beautiful People.” He was also competent. However he would not always toe the Obama line, so they used this mistake as a way to get him. Hillary is running for president and I have very little doubt that they will protect her, unless it becomes politically expedient to throw her under the bus.

Thrown under the bus

There have been repeated calls for Cankles to hand over the server, which she continues to refuse to do. Even if a warrant is issued and she is forced to turn it over, it will probably be a waste of time. It is in the public record that Cankles had the server wiped to destroy any potentially incriminating evidence. From personal experience, I think I can safely say that the FBI’s forensics people will find nothing on that system.

Going Phishing

Thanks to this and other issues, Cankles is having a serious trust issue with the voters. They see her as a liar and not to be trusted. However, the Democrats will still vote for her unless someone else the Marxists in the party jumps in and can support. (Someone like Elizabeth “Lie-a-Watha” Warren for instance) If that happens, the grand jury will be empaneled so fast it will make the Clinton’s heads spin.


If Cankles manages to hold on and does become the nominee, then things get really interesting. The worst case scenario prior to the election would be Cankles being charged and arrested. If she were to be elected, then the worst case scenario would be that the Congress finally sees all the evidence, and it’s is so overwhelming that they literally have no choice but to impeach and convict her, probably within months of her taking office.

Hillary Clinton for president?

Either scenario would mean a massive hit to the Democrat party. Tie that to all the damage done by Obama especially with the Iranian cave, and it wouldn’t be beyond the realm of possibility that the Democrats, and possibly the Republicans as well, collapse and the political party structure fails. This is why I think there is a fair chance that Hillary will be out of the race and possibly under arrest before the new year.



~The Angry Webmaster~

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