Carly Fiorina seeks the office of the President of the United States

Good day all. Last week Fox News hosted two debates. One in the evening was Fox verses Trump, with a bunch of other guys standing around. The other, earlier in the day, was the “second string” group of candidates.

We are anonymous

These were people who didn’t make the Fox News cut. According to polls they weren’t well enough known to matter. One of these was former Hewlett Packard CEO, Carly Fiorina. This isn’t Ms. Fiorina’s first rodeo in politics.

In 2010 she ran against that well known intellect, Barbara “Dumb as a box of rocks” Boxer. Her campaign made a lot of mistakes and Boxer defeated her %52.2 to %42.2.

box of rocks

Apparently, Ms. Fiorina used that as a learning experience, and in the debate, she showed that she knows her stuff. It is generally agreed that not only to Carly Fiorina win her debate, she was also the winner of the main debate that she wasn’t even a part of. Now people are starting to take a second look at her. Here are a few details from Fox News:

Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina said Sunday that her breakout performance during the last week’s debates has created a surge in support and that she can ascend to win the party nomination.


Honestly, I don’t know that she will win, but if she can knock out a few RINO’s, (Juan Ellis Arbusto for one), then full steam ahead I say!

The truth is the race has just started,” Fiorina, a former Hewlett-Packard chief executive, told “Fox News Sunday.” “It’s game on.”

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One of the reasons Carly Fiorina was stuck with the losers in the second tier, rather then with the first string idiots, was name recognition. Not that many people have heard of her, and honestly, those that have know her from the HP mess. However, her performance, along with the followup hammering of Chris Matthews that she inflicted has increased her presence.

It was a big night for me,” she told Fox. “Only 40 percent of Republicans had heard my name. … There’s been an uptick in financial support, in support generally.”


Still she is still in the weeds according to the polls.

Nevertheless, Fiorina, the only major female candidate in the 2016 Republican field, will have a tough time breaking into the top tier or winning the nomination, considering has consistently ranked among the last in most major polls. She is ranked 17th with 1.5 percent of the vote, according to the most recent averaging of polls by the nonpartisan website

Yep, she has a lot of work ahead of her, and as I mentioned, there is that mess at Hewlett Packard.

Beyond the problem of name recognition, Fiorina will continue to have to defend her tenure at Hewlett-Packard where she laid off 30,000 employees and was eventually fired.


Ms. Fiorina has prepared herself for the line of questions regarding her tenure as CEO of HP. She isn’t going to just lie down and get steamrolled.

On Sunday, Fiorina argued, as she has since the start of the campaign, that she kept the company alive in the post-9/11 and dotcom bubbles. “Sometimes, in tough times tough calls are necessary,” she said, adding she was fired in a “board room brawl.”

Since I have worked in the IT field in my various “Real World Jobs,” I am very familiar with that mess. I wondered about that merger and if it actually made real business sense. I still do. Of the two companies, I preferred working with HP computers. Back then Compaq was notorious for using propitiatory parts, and if you needed to upgrade or replace parts, you paid through the nose.


Now, do I think Carly Fiorina will be the nominee? No, I don’t. However, I do see her as a potential VP candidate. While I liked and still admire Governor Sarah Palin, she was not as ready for the campaign as Ms. Simon. Even so, if Governor Palin had not been shafted by her own side, she might have been a candidate for this cycle. I do not see Ms Fiorina, if selected as the GOP’s VP nominee, allowing anyone to knife her in the back. We shall see what the polls say a week or so from now.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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