Donald Trump verses the RINO Establishment

Good day all. The fallout from the GOP beauty pageant Debate continues. The establishment Republicans have decided to do everything they can to stop Donald Trump, even to the point of outright lying about his statements.

dead rino

To begin with, I did not watch either of the debates. I had a good book to read instead. Also while I am not a Trump supporter, and probably won’t vote for him, he is saying a lot of things that do need to be said and discussed. The biggest hot button issue right now is illegal immigration.

As we know, Juan Ellis Arbusto wants to basically throw open the borders and let every single Spanish speaking person move to the United States and go on welfare. Trump, on the other hand, wants to lock the borders down and start rounding up the illegals now in the United States. Would you care to hazard a guess which of these two options is generally supported by the majority of Americans? Save your breath, Trumps basic view is the one people are agreeing with.

Since the Establishment Republicans want virtually unlimited immigration in order to get a cheaper labor force for their buddies running the Chamber of Commerce, actually listing to the people in flyover country and doing what we want isn’t going to happen. Donald Trump, whatever his faults are, and they are many, doesn’t give a damn about the Chamber of Commerce or the Establishment Republicans.

While Trump is raising campaign money, he doesn’t need to. This allows him to “tell it like it is” so to speak and lay into both sides. This has stymied the RINO class since Trump isn’t coming to the big donors begging for money. The normal way for the RINO class to crush an outsider, keeping him or her from getting any money, isn’t going to work.

This leaves them with the “Palin” option. Basically doing everything they can, including outright lying to sabotage the candidate, even if it means losing the Presidency. Governor Sarah Palin was another conservative who was selected because she was a woman and not a RINO like McCain. However, she was also perceived as a threat to the Establishment since people liked her far more then they liked McCain. (I count myself in that group)


The RINO’s answer was to “Get Trump” during the debate and make him go completely off the rails. He didn’t do that, although both Megyn Kelly and Brett Baier did go on the attack. This was not what Trump or his supporters were expecting. While Trump was expecting tough questions, from what I’ve read, what he got was a load of crap.


After the debate, he unloaded on Fox and Megyn Kelly, saying things like she was bleeding from her eyes and somewhere else. The RINO’s took that to mean he was referring to Ms. Kelly’s natural monthly cycle. They used that and built on it and unloaded on Trump even further. Then the head of Red State, a political blog, Erick Erickson disinvited Trump from a major political gathering, ostensibly over his remarks regarding Ms. Kelly.

DV the Stupid is strong

This seems to have backfired badly on Red State, and the RINO’s. Trump’s polling numbers seem to have increased and the RINO favorite, Juan Ellis Arbusto, seem to have dropped. Carly Fiorina’s numbers have also climbed. The RINO’s thought they had caused Trump to self destruct, but the remarks coming from the Interwebtubes are generally backing Trump.

suck it up Buttercup

And as to what Trump actually said? Here is the quote from The Daily Caller:

“And you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes blood coming out of her — wherever. She was in my opinion — she was off-base. And by the way, not in my opinion, in the opinion of hundreds of thousands of people on Twitter because it has been a brutal day. In one way a great day for Fox. in another day in the Twitter sphere it’s been very bad because she’s been very badly criticized. She’s a lightweight. I couldn’t care less about her.”

If you can, I would recommend listing to the actual sound bite. You can hear Trump pause when he said “Blood coming from…Wherever.” It sounds like it was a half formed thought and that he had a number of possible completions to the remark, but couldn’t decide which one to use in the interview and dropped it.

Now, will Trump be the nominee for the Republican Party? I don’t think so. Will he do a lot of damage to the RINO’s? Oh Hell Yes! I think he’s going to torpedo Juan Ellis Arbusto and blow a major whole in the side of the SS RINO Establishment. Who will the nominee be? I have no idea at the moment. Oh, just to be on the up and up, I am not supporting Trump. I’m just sitting back and watching him wreck the Establishment Republicans.



~The Angry Webmaster~

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