North Carolina goes after Sanctuary Cities

Good day all. Last week the Great State of North Carolina, (unlike that loser state known as California), fired a shot across the bows, as it were, to the illegal alien lobby. The state has banned the so called “Sanctuary Cities” that have been popping up to protect criminal aliens.


Sanctuary cities have been around for a few decades, and there is nothing legal about them. Basically, they will not turn over illegal aliens to the federal authorities to be deported. This policy has cost the lives of many people as well as huge levels of crime. North Carolina has had enough. Here are the details from Fox News:

North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory signed a bill into law Wednesday that bans any policy that interferes with the enforcement of federal immigration laws. The Protect N.C. Workers Act, HB 318, reins in local and municipal policies that disregarded federal law by providing sanctuary or “safe” cities, and public benefits like food stamps, for individuals illegally in the U.S.

And it’s about time too. People are tired of supporting these criminals and want them out of the country.

“We cannot allow our local officials in towns and cities in North Carolina to make up their own rules that conflict with our nation’s laws and our nation’s values,” the governor stated during the bill signing.

Interestingly, almost all of these localities are run by Democrats.

The law also requires public contractors to verify a job applicant’s right to work in the country through the Internet-based E-Verify program. The Federation for American Immigration Reform wrote that this provision will make it harder for illegal aliens to find employment, which would discourage illegal immigration and protect citizens’ jobs.

Good! Next, it’s time to reign in the H1B abusers. (Note I do not want to punish those people who came to the United States on H1B visas. They obeyed the law. Their employers, like Disney? I want to land on them like an old building)

The Tarheel State is the first in the country to pass legislation banning the protection of illegal immigrants since Kate Steinle’s murder in San Francisco by a five-time deported illegal immigrant in July.

I’m actually surprised that Texas and Arizona weren’t the first ones. I suspect they will get something on their governors desks in short order. As for states like California? Fat Chance! They continue to protect criminals at the expense of the citizens and lawful resident aliens. Personally, I think it’s time to start criminally charging a few of these legislators, mayors and governors who protect these criminals, but that’s just me.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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