Another attack by “The Religion of Peace?”

Good day all. Yesterday some nut attacked people at the University of California Merced with a knife. He injured five people before being blown away by campus police. Now it’s beginning to look like yet another “Lone Jihadi” type attack.


The attacker has been identified as Faisal Mohammad, and police are saying that his motive for the attack is not yet understood. However, ISIS is all over Twittering praising the dead dirtbag. Here are the details from Fox News:

As authorities worked to establish a motive for the 18-year-old college freshman who stabbed four people on a California campus Wednesday, more disturbing details emerged about the attacker. Faisal Mohammad, who was killed by University of California Merced police, was described by at least one witness as smiling as he slashed at victims, called a loner by a fellow dorm resident and drew praise Thursday from a Twitter account associated with ISIS, which just last week released a series of videos calling for lone wolf stabbing attacks.

Great. Well at least this Islamic thug only had a knife. If he had a gun, he would have done a lot more damage. As to this nonsense that “Authorities are working to establish a motive,” I think it’s a safe bet that he decided to go Jihadi and do what Muslims do so well these days. Go after unarmed people in a gun free zone.


Just how whacked out was this goat raping scumbag? He was smiling as he sliced and diced his way through the students.

“He had a smile on his face, he was having fun,” a construction worker who helped stop the attacker told CBS 47.

And we have that construction worker to thank for stopping this pig.

The construction worker ran into the classroom to stop the attack, saying he’d initially thought it was a fight. Byron Price, 31, was working on remodeling a waiting room when he heard a commotion and rushed to check on it. Price told CBS 47, “It was a really big knife and he was swinging it down so I figured if I was on the ground and my feet were at him, he could get my legs and not my body.”


Hats off to Mr. Price. However, I suggest bringing a hammer or screwdriver with you. Or a gun. Actually, you should always bring a gun to a knife fight.

“I really believe he’s a hero here. I think he prevented this first student from dying,” Merced County Sheriff Vern Warnke said. “The cops on campus, oh my gosh, praise them because they stopped a threat, but this first guy, he stopped a death.”


And now to the ISIS Twitter Propaganda feed.

The Twitter account on which the attack was praised appears to be one of thousands that regularly reference ISIS, according to Terrorism Research & Analysis Consortium (TRAC), which translated the message. Veryan Khan, of TRAC, which monitors ISIS and other groups on social media, said ISIS has called for stabbings in recent days, but could not say what motivated Wednesday’s attack.

Really? You can’t figure out why the goat molester decided to attack non-muslims? Do you also have trouble tying your shoes on your own?

“Over the past three days, the Islamic State has released nineteen videos encouraging Palestinians stabbing attacks on Israel,” Khan said. “The media campaign coincides with a wave of renewed violence between Israel and Palestine, after a wave of seemingly lone wolf attacks by Palestinians targeting Israelis.”

And the Israeli’s are dealing with it in the only way these scum understand. By shooting them. Now we are seeing yet another Islamic attack in the United States and you can just bet the Obama Regime will do it’s best to cover it up. Maybe Obama will blame Global Warming or something.



~The Angry Webmaster~

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