Jeb Bush supporters leaving in droves

Good day all. Jeb! Bush was supposed to be the “Great White Hope” for the Republican Establishment. However, it hasn’t worked out that way. His poll numbers have been cratering, and the recent debate didn’t help matters.

Jeb obama bush

The question is, where is his support going? It isn’t going to Chris Christie. His numbers are worse that Bush’s. Kasich isn’t getting them. In fact, there have been a few suggestions that he leave the GOP and join the Democrats, since he sounds like one. No, it looks like the Establishment is looking at Marco Rubio. Here are a few details from The Hill:

Republican senators are coming around to the view that Jeb Bush is unlikely to win the party’s nomination for president and that freshman Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.) is the most viable prospect for the general election.


Rubio has had plenty of support among Beltway pundits since the outset of his campaign but Bush’s poor performance in the last Republican debate, together with his declining poll numbers, have begun to shift sentiment in even the upper echelons of the GOP’s establishment.

The reason they like Rubio is that he backs a general amnesty for criminal aliens as well as an open border. He also likes lots more H1B visa recipients as well, providing sources of cheap slave labor for the Chamber of Crony Commerce types.

Marco’s in the driver’s seat. There’s a lot of disappointment in Bush’s performance,” said one Republican senator, who requested anonymity to discuss the race candidly.

Bush is living up to his family’s general reputation as political wusses.


The lawmaker, however, left the door ajar to the possibility of a Bush comeback, noting that “expectations for Jeb are so low that it won’t be hard to exceed them. “He just needs a little momentum,” the lawmaker added.

You could stick a Saturn V rocket up his ass, ignite it and it still wouldn’t get Jeb moving.

Rubio picked up three Senate endorsements last week — Sens. Cory Gardner (R-Colo.), Steve Daines (R-Mont.) and Jim Risch (R-Idaho) — matching Bush, who so far has thee: Sens. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), Dean Heller (R-Nev.) and Susan Collins (R-Maine).

dead rino

It was announced yesterday that former Senator Bob Dole also has endorsed Jeb Bush. I have his actual endorsement right here:

“Jeb Bush embodies all of the same characteristics that carried me to crushing defeat in 1996. I would be proud to see him lose the general election as our party’s nominee.”


Jeb Bush was never going to be the GOP nominee. His open borders policy, amnesty for criminal aliens and being totally tone deaf to what is going on in America doomed his candidacy before he even announced. Yes, he has millions in the bank, and I’ve been fast forwarding when his campaign ads pop up, but nothing is going to help him. Stick the fork in, He’s all done.

toast on fire


~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to Jeb Bush supporters leaving in droves

  1. FriarBob says:

    I’m not counting him out until he concedes. Hopefully he does soon, though, because one way or another you are right that he’s done. He’s either forced into the nomination by dirty tricks and arcane rules, in which case the base revolts and the RINO party goes the way of the dodo bird (good riddance if so). Or he withdraws semi-gracefully (we can only hope). Or if somehow he flip-flops enough and fools enough people to sleaze his way past the nomination semi-cleanly, then he flops in the general.

    The only way he could manage to win the presidency is if there was literally no other candidate on the ballot. And then Mickey Mouse would probably win as a write-in.


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