The Iowa results

Good day all. The Iowa caucus has been completed. The votes are in and the pundits are discussing what happened. I figured I should as well.


To begin with, on the Republican side, Ted Cruz won the most votes. Second place went to Donald Trump. Third went to Marco the fraud Rubio, who is now the new Establishment candidate for the GOP(e). Juan! Bush is still waiting for a few more caucus goers to show up and “Push him into the lead.”

Jeb obama bush

On the Democrat side, Cankles and Comrade Bernie are literally in a photo finish. From what I’ve been able to find, the vote for the winner was by a margin of no more than 10 people. It wasn’t quite the blowout that Cankles anticipated last year.

Hillary Clinton for president?

On to the losers.

On the Republican side, Mike Huckabee has called it a day and is heading home to figure out what his next gig will be since he quit Fox to lose this election. Juan Ernesto Arbusto is is sure that he will be the winner in New Hampshire. After all, he’s spent millions to insure he wins the primary election.

eye roll

On the Democrat side, it’s now a two man person race. You have one candidate looking at a criminal indictment and the other who doesn’t understand the concept of mathematics. Martin O’Malley has ended his campaign and is heading for the showers, which he will no doubt tax into oblivion. Word has it he will now begin a new career as a street musician in Baltimore.

recovering dumbass

I’ve been following blog posts and it’s fun reading the reactions from the Trump haters. Most of these posters can be summed up very easily. They are supporters of the GOP Establishment and hate what Trump is doing and don’t much like Cruz much either. They’ve been screeching out that “Trump is finished!” and that “Trump can’t win!” They are ignoring how well Cruz did and instead have been crowing about Rubio’s third place finish. “He’s going to take it all!” “He’s will sweep New Hampshire!”

dead rino

Yeah, um, no. He won’t.

In New Hampshire, Trump is up by some 20 points the last time I checked with Cruz coming up behind him. Rubio is third with Bush progressing nicely into the toilet. All the other candidates still in the race on the GOP side, probably won’t be next Wednesday.

suck it up Buttercup

For the Democrats, Cankles is getting hammered by Comrade Bernie and his “Free Stuff Army.” The odds are he will walk away with the majority of delegates. How he will do in the southern states is another matter. As far as I can figure, the only reason Cankles isn’t in shackles right now is the Democrats fear that Comrade Bernie will be the nominee and lose 45 of 50 states in November.

Now, I am going to try and attend the Trump Event in Milford, NH tonight. I have a ticket, however, these events are notorious for being way overbooked. While the doors open at 5pm, and Trump won’t be on stage until 7pm, I’m picking up someone who won’t be able to leave work until 5. We then need to travel a good 20 minutes to the Shuttle Bus location in Milford. Once we get there, we will have our crotch’s grabbed by the Secret Service pervs. (Unless they use female agents to “Frisk me.” Then I might ask for another frisking) If we get in, I’ll report back tomorrow on how it went.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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I am the Angry Webmaster! Fear Me!
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