Global Warming: The Science is settled. Or is it?

Good day all, Well, it’s settled. The story of Global Warming is over. Just about everyone is agreed. 91 percent of Americans aren’t at all worried about Global warming

Al-Gore Fire Breathing Dragon

Yes, it’s true. People have listened to the scientists talk about man caused Global Warming, they have watched the Pope of the Church of Global Warming, Al Gore, foam at the mouth about Global Warming, and then they have shrugged their shoulders, and gone out to clear the 5+ inches of snow they just got. Here are the details from the Daily Caller:

A YouGov poll of 18,000 people in 17 countries found only 9.2 percent of Americans rank global warming as their biggest concern. Only Saudi Arabians were less concerned about global warming at 5.7 percent. The biggest concern for Americans was global terrorism — 28 percent of Americans polled listed this as their top issue.


Why do people consider worry more about Islamic terrorism then they do about the horrors of Global Warming? Could it be that Global Warming is a load of manure and that Islamic Terrorists are trying to kill them?

Despite a big PR push by President Barack Obama to tout his administration’s global warming agenda, most Americans have been unconvinced it’s the country’s most pressing issue. A Fox News poll from November found only 3 percent of Americans list global warming as their top concern.

Those 3 percenters tend to congregate in Hollywood, San Francisco and Manhattan, usually at cocktail parties. The other 93 percent know that Obama is full of it.

Then, government scientists declared 2015 the warmest year on record. This news only emboldened politicians and environmental activists who want to build public support for more regulations on fossil fuels.


There is just one problem with that declaration. No one believes them. Why? Well, probably it was the 10 FEET of snow some areas got last year, including here. Then there’s the small issue of all that data they claim proves that global warming both exists and is caused by people. It’s pretty much garbage. When third parties start looking at the raw data, they find that it doesn’t match what the “Government Scientists” claim. When asked, the “Scientists” admit they “fix” problems with the data. Gee, isn’t that what most people call fraud?

Importantly, even as global warming has received greater attention as an environmental problem from politicians and the media in recent years, Americans’ worry about it is no higher now than when Gallup first asked about it in 1989,” Gallup’s Jeffrey Jones wrote.

There’s a reason for this. People don’t believe the politicians anymore. This comes from being lied to over and over again. Then there is the way the hacks, moonbats and statists want to “Fix” the problem. Basically, it involves destroying pretty much the entire American way of life and reducing most of America to poverty.


We’ve had a pleasantly mild winter in the North East, although we did get a snow storm yesterday. The Mid-Atlantic states were slammed with a massive storm a few weeks ago, and the middle of the country has been digging out from one storm after another. I prefer it warm. It reduces my heating bills, and since I’m currently between jobs, that helps stretch my dollars.

A week ago, according to a prediction by Al Gore some 10 years ago. The Earth ended. The planet doesn’t have a patch of ice or snow on it anywhere, the seas have risen and all the coastal cities have drowned. These frauds have been screaming the end of the world for 30 years and it hasn’t happened. It will happen, in about 5 billion years when the sun expands. THEN we will have some real global warming. Until then, what we have is called “The Weather.”


~The Angry Webmaster~

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