Next up, the New Hampshire Primary

Good day all. Now that the Iowa beauty contest in the parking lots of Wal-Mart is over, we in New Hampshire have been subjected to an onslaught of campaign flyers and phone calls of unbelievable proportions.

drunk turkey

Personally, I’ve probably tossed out four or five pounds of crap from the Juan! Bush campaign. My home phone has been ringing off the hook, with as many as 50 calls a day coming in, some as late as 10pm. I have not answered a single one.


One of my problems is that I’m an independent or unenrolled voter. That means that I don’t belong to any political party, and in New Hampshire, that’s close to 50 percent of the eligible voters. Under our primary system, an independent voter can walk into the poll and pull either a Democrat or Republican ballot.


This makes is targets for both sides. (And with the Clinton’s, being a target can be considered a life and death matter) I’ve been contacted by all the Republican candidates, as well as Comrade Bernie’s mathematically challenged supporters and a few offers “I can’t refuse” from the Clinton Crime family.

Hillary for Prison

I won’t say who I’m voting for, but I have narrowed it down to two people. I will say that there is no way in Hell I will vote for Clinton, Sanders, Kasich, Bush, Rubio or Governor Krispy Kreme. The Democrats would be a total disaster for the country, one that we would not survive, and as for the Establishment RINO’s, not this time. Bush, Dole, Bush, McCain, Romney, screw it I say. None of them have amounted to a bucket of warm piss. The last good GOP president was Ronald Wilson Reagan.

Ronald Reagan on Government

I don’t know who will win this primary, but I’ll be glad when it’s over. Once I cast my vote, I will head over to the check out table and unenroll from whichever party’s primary I joined. In 4 yours, I get to go through it all over again. I have to put up with this for just 48 more hours, then I will have a nice break until September when the General Election campaign heats up. Until then, blissful rest.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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I am the Angry Webmaster! Fear Me!
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