Bush family holds political wake for Jeb!

Good day all. Tomorrow the voters in South Carolina go to the polls in the Republican primary and select who they want to be the nominee. Currently, the odds are favoring Donald Trump, with either Ted Cruz or Marco the Rubot coming in second.


As for Juan! Ernesto Arbusto, (Also known as Jeb Ellis Bush), it looks like he’s in a photo finish for last place. To put it bluntly, the Jeb Bush political death watch is now underway. In a column in the Washington Examiner, Byron York reports on how Jeb’s family and friends are gathering as the end nears on Jeb’s political career.

Jeb Bush’s brother, the former president, his sister-in-law, the former first lady, his mother, his sister, another brother, and of course his wife and children have come to South Carolina, where George W. Bush’s political fortunes were made, in hopes of vaulting Jeb back into the Republican presidential race. But with poll after poll showing Bush hovering around 10 percent — fighting with John Kasich for fourth place — that looks less and less likely every hour.

Jeb obama bush

As I’ve mentioned in other posts, Jeb Bush’s popularity peaked the day before he announced his run for the Presidency. Once he opened his mouth, people realized that he really doesn’t represent them now.

So it wasn’t surprising that there was a big media turnout at Bush’s townhall here in Columbia Thursday. Yes, there’s plenty of press to go around now; South Carolina is teeming with reporters. But there is also a Jeb death watch underway. That’s especially true after Bush held a downer of a townhall on Wednesday in Summerville in which some audience members bemoaned the condition of his campaign and wanted to know why he can’t raise his game against Donald Trump.

One reason, besides things like his support for open borders, amnesty for criminal aliens and centralized control of Education in Washington, (Common Core), were comments like this one:

“It’s all been decided, apparently,” Bush said in frustration. “The pundits have already figured it out. We don’t have to go vote. I should stop campaigning maybe.”


Ever since Trump referred to Jeb Bush as a “Low energy” candidate, Bush’s campaign has been in a slow motion train wreck. Now the political obituaries are being prepared.

Bush has mentioned that he knows obituaries are being written for his campaign. I talked to one reporter who noted wryly that when Bush made such an obituary comment, at that precise moment, he, the reporter, was in fact working on Bush’s campaign obituary.

As any writer knows, when someone famous is not looking well, or is of advanced age, then you need to have his or her obituary ready to go when the time comes and that person shuffles off this mortal coil. The same thing is true when a politician’s career finally dies, either of old age or illness. (The voters getting sick of that politician)

Bush is asked about it everywhere he goes. Is his campaign running out of money? How high does he have to finish on Saturday to stay in the race? When will he drop out?

“We’ve been rising in the polls, I feel good about where we are, and I’m going to work hard,” Bush told reporters as he emerged from his Jeb! campaign bus at the Metropolitan Convention Center in Columbia.

I seem to recall that in some cases, just before the end, a terminally ill political career may seem to be improving towards the end. Usually this gives the politician and those around him a false sense of hope.

Several audience members, well-meaning supporters, offered Bush their best wishes. “Thank you,” said one woman who asked a question about homelessness and mental illness. “I know there are a lot of people praying with you … so don’t lose heart.”

And then they left the room, tears flowing down their faces, knowing that there was no hope and that the final moments of Jeb’s political life were near. It was obvious that Jeb knows, deep down, that it’s all over.

There were moments when Bush seemed distracted, off his game, or barely able to conceal his unhappiness. At one point, a little girl asked, in a sweet child’s voice, “What’s your favorite book?”

“My favorite book?” Bush said. “Art of the Deal.”


In a few short weeks at most, probably sooner, Jeb Bush’s campaign will die. Don’t be sad when it happens, he has been suffering badly and it’s a true mercy when his campaign draws it’s final breath and writes it’s last check.

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2yQFvZsN43A’]


~The Angry Webmaster~

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