DNCLeaks, “The Russians did it!”

Good day all. Today the Democrat Disaster Coronation Convention begins in Philadelphia. So far, it’s shaping up to be a far more memorable one than the Republican Convention.

Evil Grin

To date, we have been presented with proof positive that the DNC colluded with the Clinton campaign to rig the primaries and keep Bernie Sanders out as the nominee. The evidence came from 20,000+ email messages that Wikileaks got their hands on. So far, the fallout has been one Debbie Wasserman Schultz. She has been forced out as the DNC chairman.

train wreck!

People are still combing through all the data on Wikileaks and it appears that a lot more interesting tidbits may be coming out. Of course, the DNC and the Clinton campaign are up in arms over yet another email scandal. The person(s) claiming to have hacked the DNC’s mail server calls himself “Guccifer 2.0” in reference to the original Guccifer, now cooling his heels in a federal prison. The Cankles Campaign is having none of that and is blaming this on the Russians. Here are a few details from KOAA News:

Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager is accusing Russia of leaking emails from the Democratic National Committee to help Republican Donald Trump in the presidential election.


Robby Mook said on CNN’s ‘State of the Union” that experts are telling the campaign “Russian state actors” broke into the DNC’s emails, and that other experts say these Russians are now selectively releasing the emails.

full retard

The DNC reported that a cache of more than 19,000 emails were leaked, and Mook said it’s no coincidence the emails are coming out on the eve of the party’s nominating convention in Philadelphia.

Gee, paranoid much Mook? Perhaps the DNC should have hired someone else to set up and harden their mail servers instead of Cankles IT guy. This also begs the question on Cankles personal mail server, the one with actual top secret information on it? The Democrats have been saying that no state actors hacked into her server and stole classified information. Now you are saying that state actors did break into the Democrat National Committee’s mail server and stole embarrassing information? Pull the other finger, it has a bell on it.


It’s only been a few days of course, but there appears to be even more coming out on the corruption of the Clinton campaign and the Democrat Party. The convention in Philadelphia, at least the part outside the hall, should be far more entertaining than the RNC’s convention in Cleveland. You know, where they gave a riot but no one showed up?


~The Angry Webmaster~

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