Freddie Gray trials over

Good day all. I just saw this come over twitter. The Baltimore prosecutors have dropped the charges against the officers that haven’t been acquitted yet.


The story, and it just broke apparently, came in from NBC News. This is obviously a breaking story and I don’t see anything yet on Fox, but CNN seems to have a few more details.

Prosecutors are dropping charges against the three remaining officers facing trial in connection with Freddie Gray’s death.

A pretrial hearing for Officer Garrett Miller had been set for Wednesday. Trials for officers Alicia White and William Porter had been scheduled for the fall.

Baltimore Chief Deputy State’s Attorney Michael Schatzow made the request to drop charges against them in court Wednesday.

Three officers had already been acquitted in the case: Edward Nero, a bike officer involved in the initial police encounter with Gray; Caesar Goodson, who drove the van; and Lt. Brian Rice, the highest-ranking officer charged in connection with Gray’s death.

To be honest, the odds of getting a conviction against any of the remaining were astronomical. What happens next is not known, but there is a very good chance that the States Attorney, Marilyn Mosby, is going to be dealing with the fallout for some time to come. Because of her actions, it’s not impossible that she will face disbarrment.

Stay tuned to your favorite news feeds for more information.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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