Poor Debbie Downer, whatever shall she do?

Good day all. Yesterday, the now former head of the DNC, Debbie Wasserman Schultz flew into exile in Florida to work on her reelection campaign. However, there may be some problems for her in the land of Disney and alligators.

Evil Grin

Debbie Downer has a primary challenger and all of a sudden, he’s starting to look like he will win the Democrat Primary. Here are a few details from Fox News:

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Shultz had been poised to easily win a seventh House term in November – until she crossed paths with Bernie Sanders, resulting in a cascade of criticism and embarrassments that now includes an email expose that could upend her reelection bid.

That’s what happens when you sell your soul to the Clintons.

Even after Wasserman Shultz announced her abrupt resignation on the eve of the Democratic convention kick-off, the Florida congresswoman faces a mounting political headache back home. Her next hurdle will be Democratic primary challenger Tim Canova, who has been playing up the fallout at the DNC after leaked emails revealed an apparent anti-Bernie Sanders bias inside the soon-to-be-ex chairwoman’s shop.

Basically the tweets say it’s time to send Debbie Downer to the showers. Poor Debbie was booed out of Philadelphia after it came out she had rigged the Democrat primaries to insure a win by Cankles.

Democratic strategist Douglas Smith suggested Monday that party leaders are correctly trying to keep the email story from continuing for days and months, which would further damage Wasserman Schultz.

And the Republicans will do everything they can to keep it going for days and months.

However, Smith thinks Wasserman Schultz’s political capital will help her prevail.

I think she’ll win,” he said. “She’s got the heavy support of voters, families.”

Umm, that might not be the case. In another story on Fox News, it looks like the Democrat Party has abandoned her.

Just two days after an email scandal forced her resignation as head of the Democratic Party, Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz could be on her own in a suddenly tough re-election battle, as fellow House Democrats turn their back — and withhold their money — while contributions pour in for her primary opponent.

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gbp_JQ7RxqM’]

Soon after Wasserman Schultz was booed Monday during a Florida delegation breakfast in Philadelphia, Democratic primary foe Tim Canova wrote to his 20,000 Twitter followers, “It’s time to end her political career for good,” and shared a link to his campaign fundraising webpage.

The tactic appears to be working. He said he’s raised about $100,000 in the 72 hours since the scandal erupted, all without leaving south Florida or picking up a phone to dial for dollars.

And it gets better, much much better.

Yet officials with the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee made clear Monday they have no plans to spend money to save her.

They have an explanation of course on why they won’t spend any money on her.

Top committee leaders told reporters that they do not spend money on safe Democratic seats, which hers is, because they need to save resources for states they are trying to save or flip.


Privately, some Democratic officials think Wasserman Schultz is at risk of losing her Aug. 30 primary to Canova.

The Washington Post reported that the congresswoman was now planning to return to Florida, from the Philadelphia convention, amid concerns over her reelection bid.

Allow me to summarize Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s political future.

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StmbrLfGC-8′]

That she even has to think about her House race is a turnaround for the congresswoman who was considered among the most powerful Democrats in Washington, in large part for her post at the DNC and unwavering support for President Obama, who appointed her.

The problem is not that she rigged the primaries, the problem is that she got caught. And now the “Wheels of the bus go bumpity bump.”

Thrown under the bus

Democratic strategist Douglas Smith thinks Wasserman Schultz’s political capital will help her prevail.

So his recommendation to Debbie Downer is:

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-diB65scQU’]

I think the fallout from her blatant rigging of the election may be all it takes to sink her. In fairly short order, it won’t be a single bus that they throw her under, it will be an entire convoy.

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAAwTlCp3OE’]

It’s time to fold your tent and fade away to that Clinton job. There is a fork in your back and you are being rolled off the table and into the trash.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to Poor Debbie Downer, whatever shall she do?

  1. VonZorch Imperial Reseacher says:

    “I think she’ll win,” he said. “She’s got the heavy support of voters, families.”
    Which translates to…
    Tim Canova is likely to die or be severely injured under mysterious circumstances if he doesn’t drop out of the race.


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