ISIS butchers French priest

Good day all. I’ll get back to the Democrat National Train wreck later. Yesterday, two Islamic thugs attacked a church in France, and beheaded an 86 year old priest.


The French police killed both of these animals and freed a number of hostages. Here are the details I have from The Daily Mail:

A priest has been ‘beheaded’ by two ISIS knifemen who cut his throat after bursting into a French church and taking nuns and worshippers hostage before being shot dead by police. Five people including the 86-year-old priest, two nuns and two parishioners were held by assailants who raided the church in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray near Rouen in Normandy during morning mass at 9am. The clergyman, named as Jacques Hamel, is believed to have been beheaded during the attack while another hostage, believed to be a nun, is fighting for life in hospital.

The two attackers were ‘neutralised’ by marksmen as they emerged from the building, which is now being searched for explosives. French president Francois Hollande said France is ‘at war’ with ISIS while the terror group has claimed responsibility for the killing.


Europe is in the throes of an Islamic invasion. Eastern Europe, which has a long history of problems with Islam has patently refused to allow any Muslims into their countries. The European Union ruling elite in Brussels has been having fits over this and has been threatening countries such as Hungary, Romania and Poland.

Well, it looks like they were right to oppose the open borders German Chancellor Angela Merkel has been pushing. In the past, Islamic Terrorists have always gone after Jews, however, until now, they haven’t gone after the Christian religions. Now ISIS and other Islamic groups have started going after other religions. In the case of this church, there was a direct threat made against them.

It comes as it emerged that the building was one of a number of Catholic churches on a terrorist ‘hit list’ found on a suspected ISIS extremist last April.


And no one thought to put some sort of security in place?

There are also reports that one of the attackers was a local resident who was under electronic tag surveillance having been jailed in France for trying to travel to Syria in 2015. His bail terms allowed him to be unsupervised between 8.30am and 12.30pm – the attack happened between 9am and


I hope that isn’t true, I really do. If it is, then someone who made that decision needs to be fired. In any case, this is just the latest terrorist attack. Most have been uncoordinated, “Lone wolf” style attacks, but thins are going to ramp up over in Europe. What worries me is that we have a president who refuses to do anything of substance about Islamic terrorism, and actually seems to be aiding it.

man with head in the ground

We’ve had a few incidents in the United States, with the worst one in Florida. Unlike the Europeans, Americans won’t just sit back and take it. If our elected representatives refuse to do their job, well, Americans have a history of doing it for them.

chuck Norris

Our hearts go out to the Father’s congregation and we hope for a speedy recovery for the nun who was attacked. I’m not expecting much from the French government. Yes, they will drop a few bombs in Syria, but that won’t solve the problem of hundreds of thousands of unassimilated Muslims. If things continue to get worse, then the new European governments will deal with it, and in a way all to familiar.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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