Hillary Clinton “Show me the money!”

Good day all. It’s been a busy day and the hits, they keep on coming. Now we have all the K Street lobbyists break dancing all over Washington DC. Why? Because Cankles Clinton and the Democrat National Committee have ended Barack Obama’s ban on money from lobbyists.


This isn’t at all surprising since the Clintons have to be the greediest First Couple in American history. Granted, the ban by Obama wasn’t worth the paper it was written on, but it looked good. Now the Cankles has announced “Open for business, check, money orders and all major credit cards accepted.” Here are the details from Time:

Heather Podesta wore a scarlet letter “L” to the last two Democratic National Conventions—a not so subtle protest over the Barack Obama’s ban on lobbyists like her donating money to his cause.

Podesta’s scarlet letter is gone this week, because Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee have lifted the ban.“Things have already changed,” said Podesta, while mingling at a brunch put on by her firm at the swanky Philadelphia restaurant Fork on Tuesday with members of Congress, the Obama Administration, and, yes, lots of lobbyists.

During Obama Administration I couldn’t give money to the Democratic National Committee, the President, and if the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee was having an event with him I couldn’t go even though I was a maxed-out donor,” she continued. “This year, I’m helping to raise money for Hillary. I’ve known her a long time. I’m really excited about her campaign. I raised for her in 2008 and I’m ready for her to go all the way. So my money is now good.”

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0kcet4aPpQ’]

Don’t you just love the subtly of the Clintons? The only thing missing is the cash register next to her limousine.

Campaign finance reformers have watched the change happen with dismay.


To be blunt, most of these so called “Reformers” favor taxpayer financed campaigns. Of course, that means that the government will get to select who is worthy of receiving financing. Since in the eyes of the “Reformers” only Progressive Liberal Democrats would be considered worthy of taxpayer financing, you can forget ever seeing a Republican, Libertarian or anyone that the “Reformers” don’t approve of.

The stricter rules regarding lobbyists that the Obama administration and Democratic Party first put in place have been eroded and there has been a lack of effort to enact new rules, so this is not surprising,” said Lawrence Noble, general counsel for the Campaign Legal Center.

The rules were essentially declared to be unconstitutional under the 1st Amendment. (Citizens United) That’s another thing that Cankles and the “Reformers” want to “Fix.”

Reformers have begun a debate over what the change in policy will mean, if Clinton wins the White House in November.

We do not believe this mistaken move from the Democratic Party is a harbinger of how a Clinton administration would handle revolving door issues,” said Robert Weissman, president of another watchdog group, Public Citizen.

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gbp_JQ7RxqM’]

Please! Stop it! You’re killing me! Of course this is a harbinger of things to come you moonbat.

Emails to the Clinton campaign for comment on this story went unanswered.

The emails probably haven’t been forwarded from the Russia yet, that’s all. There is no question that if Hillary Clinton wins the election, we’re going to see an era of corruption unlike anything since the 19th century when the “Robber Barons were buying and selling members of Congress, Judges and the assorted cabinet members. One thing you can say about Donald Trump, he’s not going to be taking bribes to change United States policy.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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