The Pokemon body count continues to increase

Good day all. Last week the Angry Systems Administrator wrote about an incident near Anger Central. A Pokemon Go fanatic stumbled across a dead body in a small pond. We’ve also been reading reports of criminals robbing Pokemon players.

eye roll

Well, now we have the first official “Pokemon Go Shootout.” Apparently a couple of people playing Pokemon Go in Las Vegas had a run in with a pair of robbers. Here’s what happened according to Fox News:

A gunman and his underage driver tried to rob a group of people playing the popular Pokemon GO game, triggering a shootout after one of the players pulled out his own weapon at a Las Vegas park that has become a hot spot for virtual creature hunting. The incident early Monday marked the latest illustration of unintended consequences in everyday life due to the booming popularity of the GPS-powered “augmented reality” game.


So, just what happened?

Shortly after 4 a.m., a group of six people were at a public park east of downtown playing the popular smartphone game, which sends players to physical locations to “catch” virtual Pokemon characters. Police said an armed man and the young driver drove up to the group in an SUV and demanded their possessions at gunpoint.

And this is where the “Fun” began.

One of the Pokemon players who has a concealed weapons permit drew his own gun and the two sides exchanged fire.

Smoking gun

So, for once, the gun grabbers were right? There was an actual shootout in the streets? Of course not. It was a citizen defending himself and his friends from an armed criminal. So, how did things turn out?

Las Vegas police spokeswoman Laura Meltzer said the shooting left a Pokemon player and the would-be armed robber hospitalized with non-life threatening injuries. Charges are expected against both that suspect and the juvenile who was driving the SUV.

My best wishes for a speedy recovery to the Pokemon player. The criminal? May your wound fester and cause you to die in utter agony.

This isn’t the first report of suspects trying to rob people engrossed in the hugely-popular Pokemon GO game. Four teens in St. Louis robbed victims earlier this month after luring them to a specific location using Pokemon GO.

And this is one reason I won’t even load the game on my phone. There are just to many things that can go wrong. Dead bodies, armed robbers, crazed Pokemon creatures…

hillary clinton awful


~The Angry Webmaster~

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