Obama’s answer to illegal aliens in Arizona

Unless you have been living in a cave the last couple of months, you should be aware that Arizona passed a law, SB1070, (pdf file), mirroring the Federal law with regards to illegal aliens.

The reason they did this was frustration at the lack of actions by the federal government to secure the borders.

The border areas between Mexico and the United States have become a virtual war zone. Mexico is in the process of collapsing from within and has been an ocean of corruption for centuries. Drug lords are no longer just murdering people in Mexico, now they are taking control of areas in the United States and basically making it off limits to Citizens and Resident Legal Aliens.

Arizona took it upon themselves to try and do something about it. This gave rise to SB1070. Basically, it gives police the ability to ask someone if they are in the country legally only after they have been stopped for other reasons and the officer has a suspicion they may be in the United States illegally.

Of course, it’s more complicated then that. The original bill had a small flaw that may have led to profiling. As soon as the state government found it, they corrected the law.

Of course, all the liberal/democrat/progressive groups immediately jumped on this new law and have been threatening Arizona since its passage. The open borders crowd, basically people who don’t want the United States to exist, are demanding the law be repealed or declared unconstitutional.

Even the Attorney General of the United States, Eric Holder, has decided it is an unconstitutional law. One problem though.

When he made that statement he hadn’t read the actual law and didn’t know what it said. Typical of racist liberals, he decided that since it wasn’t something he wanted, it was unconstitutional.

Governor Jan Brewer of Arizona recently met with President Obama and asked that he secure the border between Mexico and the U.S. This is the ONE mandate he has to follow as the President of the United States of America, protect the nation from attack and maintain a secure border.

Governor Brewer shows us exactly what measures Obama has taken to conform with this constitutional duty:

I think it’s safe to say that Governor Brewer is somewhat disappointed with the response she got from that jug eared idiot.

Obama and the democrats, along with some in big business, do not want to stop the flow of illegal aliens into the U.S. They see it as a way to get cheap labor, (Big business), and also to ensure a permanent democrat majority at all levels of government. (Either through an amnesty followed by a quick “Path to citizenship”, or outright voter fraud)

We now have an administration in office along with a congress that despises the rule of law and the Constitution. Just how bad is it? Recently, Secretary of State Cankles Hillary Clinton was in Ecuador when she announced that the Obama Administration would sue Arizona and have one of their pet judges declare SB1070 unconstitutional.

Announced in Ecuador?

Once again we see the utter contempt for the rule of law and the constitution, not to mention the utter lack of civility and common sense of the Progressive Elites. We made a big mistake electing the Kenyan Candidate to the office of President and also giving him a congress made up of like minded fools and morons. Hopefully, in November we can begin to correct that mistake.

One of the latest bits of news to come out is that Obama is looking for a way to grant a general amnesty by executive order without going through congress. So concerned were some members that they sent a letter to Obama asking for clarification of this rumor.

For the first time in close to 200 years, the United States is in danger of being destroyed. The last time it was the British in the War of 1812. Back then it was an outside invader. Now, we are seeing the United States being destroyed from within by people who are in power and truly despise the country and people they supposedly represent.

November can’t come soon enough.

That is all…for now.

~The Angry Webmaster~

A few notes.

When I was doing a search for Hillary Clinton in Ecuador, Google only displayed a page on how great searching with SSL would be. I used the key words hillary clinton ecuador. When I used Bing, the answer popped right up. Makes you want to go “hmmm” and indulge in a nice conspiracy fantasy doesn’t it? 😉

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I am the Angry Webmaster! Fear Me!
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6 Responses to Obama’s answer to illegal aliens in Arizona

  1. Obama’s answer to illegal aliens in Arizona – #angercentralarchives http://t.co/LMyjlxP7qi

  2. Obama’s answer to illegal aliens in Arizona – #angercentralarchives http://t.co/yrTKaeL8

  3. Pingback: angrywebmaster

  4. Just an update. Last week a Clinton appointed judge ruled the key parts unconstitutional. She did so not because it was, but because she is nothing more then a hard core left wing progressive rump swab jerk with delusions of relevance.

    If this makes it to the USSC, the odds are it will be overturned and that the full law will go into effect.

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