Plugins? We don’t need no stinking plugins!

Hey there, it’s the Angry systems Administrator again. Yup, more stuff on plugins. I’ve just deactivated a couple that don’t seem to be doing much.

One of the plugins is the ratings one. This shows the thumbs up and thumbs down images and selectable stars. No one was really using them. The other is on the back end and is more of a housekeeping tool.

One of the reasons I’m removing these is to speed things up. Besides trying to improve load speeds on the blog, I’m also tired of the constant updates being put out, especially is no one is using them.

Still, someone may object to ending the ratings system. So, if you want it back, register your vote on the poll. If enough people ask to have it back, I’ll re-enable the feature. If not, I’m going to delete it and clear the records from the database.

Do you want the ratings back?

  • No (100%, 1 Votes)
  • Yes (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 1

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~The Angry Systems Administrator~

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5 Responses to Plugins? We don’t need no stinking plugins!

  1. Plugins? We don’t need no stinking plugins! – #angercentralarchives

  2. Plugins? We don’t need no stinking plugins! – #angercentralarchives

  3. Pingback: nedb

  4. I agree with this, although you should have asked me first. No one uses the ratings system. It looks like people respond to the polling and comments system instead.

  5. Pingback: angrywebmaster

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