To Dish, or not to Dish?

Good day all, this is the Angry Systems Administrator. It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything, however, the Angry Accountant has tasked me with finding a way to cut the Angry Webmaster’s entertainment bill.

Currently, the Angry Webmaster uses DirecTV as his primary entertainment system. He doesn’t use the HD service due to the added costs involved. He has been using them for almost 20 years. (Prior to DirecTV, he used Primestar, which was bought by DirecTV) Recently, the monthly charges have escalated significantly with no upgrade in service. These rapid fire price increases started when AT&T bought DirecTV.

In a bid to cut expenses, I’ve started researching the Dish Network. (We use Comcrap for internet access and nothing else. I would ditch them in a heartbeat if a better service were available) I’ve been researching the channel lineup as well as costs. We would be able to get a High Definition system as part of the service, and it appears that the monthly costs would be less.

Dish is also running a 2 year special which would also lower costs. The problem is that no one here has any experience with the Dish Network and we don’t know anyone who is using it. Therefore, we’re asking our many, many followers for their advice, especially those who’ve used both systems. Please leave comments and also answer our poll.

Thank you

Which is better? Dish Network or DirecTV?

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~The Angry Systems Administrator~

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One Response to To Dish, or not to Dish?

  1. hmm, so far people seem to prefer Dish. The Angry Systems Nerd is still researching costs, benefits and other details. Since we’re not football fanatics, and we already don’t pay for the NFL ticket that DirecTV has, no loss there if we ditch them.


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