Border agents didn’t get the memo

Good day all. It seems that a few border agents didn’t get the memo that we have a new President who is not interested in Obama’s Catch and Release program. President Trump’s policy is Catch and kick them the Hell out of the country.

However, a few border patrol agents are defying that new policy and are continuing to aid criminal aliens into the country. Here are some of the details from Polizette:

Some border patrol stations have been slow to carry out President Donald Trump’s immigration enforcement executive order and instead have continued former President Barack Obama’s “catch-and-release” policies, according to a union official.

Perhaps someone might want to explain to that union official that refusal to carry out lawful orders, and President Trump’s EO on this is well within the law, is a firing offense.

Brandon Judd, president of the National Border Patrol Council, told LifeZette that he raised concerns Thursday with U.S. Border Patrol Chief Ronald Vitiello. He said he is confident that issue soon will be corrected.

So, the head of the Union is the one concerned with his members not following lawful instructions? This sounds to me like a Union head who is actually doing his job and trying to protect his members. However, it looks like someone isn’t paying any attention.

But Judd said as recently as Thursday, some border patrol stations were still releasing border-jumpers, often without even issuing notices to appear in immigration court hearings. Obama’s policy was to release anyone claiming to have been living continuously in the United States since before Jan. 1, 2014, if they did not have criminal records or active warrants.

We’re still walking people out the door,” Judd said. “The catch-and-release policy is still in place in some sectors.”

Judd said it was a minority of sectors that have been resisting Trump’s new directives. He laid the blame at the feet of U.S. Border Patrol managers, not front-line officers.

This is not the administration’s fault. This is Border Patrol’s fault,” he said. “It varies from sector to sector. Some sectors still are operating under the Obama administration’s policies. And that’s troubling … It’s just been very willy-nilly.”

I think I see the problem here. You have a bunch of Obama leftovers who refuse to accept that Donald Trump won and Felonia von Pantsuit lost. They are waging what amounts to a covert war against President Trump and everyone who supported him. I’m not sure how the Civil Service protections work for managers. However, even if they are protected, the deliberate refusal to follow lawful instructions means they can be terminated. I suspect the new head of the Department of Homeland Security is already looking into this.

Judd said some managers have been waiting for specific written guidelines to filter down from the Department of Homeland Security. He said he considers that unnecessary since the president’s executive order is crystal clear. He said anyone apprehended by border patrol agents should be turned over to Immigration and Customs Enforcement authorities. That agency and immigration judges are charged with deciding whether someone should be deported.

Well, if that’s the excuse these “managers” are using, I have bad news for them. The new head of DHS has put out a memo with the new guidelines. According to the Washington (Com)Post:

Homeland Security Secretary John F. Kelly has signed sweeping new guidelines that empower federal authorities to more aggressively detain and deport illegal immigrants inside the United States and at the border.

In a pair of memos, Kelly offered more detail on plans for the agency to hire thousands of additional enforcement agents, expand the pool of immigrants who are prioritized for removal, speed up deportation hearings and enlist local law enforcement to help make arrests.

The new directives would supersede nearly all of those issued under previous administrations, Kelly said, including measures from President Barack Obama aimed at focusing deportations exclusively on hardened criminals and those with terrorist ties.

Good luck trying to ignore that one. I suspect that a number of managers are going to find themselves on the unemployment line in fairly short order. We have a new sheriff in town and he isn’t going to play games. I suspect that may be part of the problem for the Beltway Boneheads. They think President Trump is going to play by the old rules. No, he isn’t and he’s brought in people who aren’t going to put up with bureaucrats who think they are the ones running things.

A tip of the hat to the head of the Border patrol union. I never thought I would say that, in regards to a governmental union. However, the rank and file Border Patrol agents seem to generally support President Trump, especially after the policies of Der Fubar, Barack Obama, got one of their members killed.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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