Brexit has begun!

Good day all. It’s been 9 months since the historic “Brexit” vote, and this week Prime Minister Theresa May just delivered a bouncing baby Article 50 letter to the Brussels Bureaucrats.

This initiated the process that will lead to Great Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union. Needless to say, there are a large number of Eurotrash types that aren’t happy over this. Here are some of the details from The Daily Mail:

EU leaders have set up a titanic showdown with Theresa May after they rushed to dismiss key UK demands within hours of the historic Article 50 letter being delivered. In a day of high political drama, the Prime Minister was cheered to the rafters by Tory MPs in the Commons as she declared that her envoy Sir Tim Barrow had handed the formal Brexit notification to European Council president Donald Tusk in the Belgian capital.

And as we saw yesterday, along with EU Commission President Juncker’s threat to “Break up the United States, Tusk went full totalitarian over the formal notification that Great Britain was telling the European Union to go take a long walk off a short pier.

Giving an upbeat assessment of the country’s prospects once it regains control after 44 years tied to the EU, Mrs May stressed she wanted to forge a ‘deep and special special’ bond with our old partners.

Yeah, like THAT’S going to happen. Don’t forget, the EU is run by a bunch of spoiled brats who think they should be running things.

But the letter also included chilling threats about the ‘fragile’ condition of the bloc, making clear that giving Britain a bad deal would be a ‘costly mistake’ causing serious damage to the EU’s own prosperity and security.

Nice to see that Prime Minister May is in no mood to back down. I think I can see why President Trump seems to be getting along nicely with her.

The historic six-page letter launching the break-up process was handed over more than nine months after the people delivered their verdict in the EU referendum. It confirmed that Britain will be leaving the single market, but called for a broad free trade agreement, and urges an early deal to guarantee rights for EU nationals already here and Britons living on the continent.

The missive also included a chilling warning to Brussels against trying to take revenge on the UK for leaving.

‘At a time when the growth of global trade is slowing and there are signs that protectionist instincts are on the rise in many parts of the world, Europe has a responsibility to stand up for free trade in the interest of all our citizens,’ the letter said.

‘Likewise, Europe’s security is more fragile today than at any time since the end of the Cold War.’

Weakening our cooperation for the prosperity and protection of our citizens would be a costly mistake.’

I suspect that warning will go in one ear, rattle around in a vacuum, and then come out the other ear of the EU Bureaucrats. These morons are hell bent on destroying Europe.

In a clear threat about the consequences of trying to punish the UK for leaving, Mrs May wrote: ‘If we leave the EU without an agreement the default position is that we would have to trade on World Trade Organisation terms.

‘In security terms a failure to reach agreement would mean our cooperation in the fight against crime and terrorism would be weakened.

‘In this kind of scenario, both the United Kingdom and the European Union would of course cope with the change, but it is not the outcome that either side should seek. We must therefore work hard to avoid that outcome.’

In all probability, the EU idiots will do something stupid, and it might lead to a terrorist attack in Great Britain. If that happens, and it’s determined that one reason it occurred was due to the European Union’s refusal to share intelligence, or worse, the British will retaliate, probably by closing the Chunnel as well as other things. Considering that Europe is rapidly collapsing into a new Islamic Caliphate, on top of the stupidity of the Western European leaders, I don’t see the EU being willing to cooperate.

The European Union was swift in its response to Mrs May’s letter after it had arrived.

Council president Mr Tusk made an immediate jibe on Twitter about the nine months it had taken Mrs May to begin the process.

Perhaps the time it took was due to a few details, such as a legal challenge by the “Never Brexit” groups, not to mention making sure that Great Britain was ready and had all their political and economic ducks in a row.

And in a hastily arranged press statement he urged people not to ‘pretend this is a happy day in Brussels or London’.

Good luck convincing the English it isn’t a happy day. Now the Scottish have been whining about this and threatening to pull out of the UK and rejoining the EU. There’s just a couple of problems with that. A big one is that the EU doesn’t want Scotland. The English would suffer a little hardship, with the loss of some important navy bases, but economically, they would probably be better off. I have no idea what the Welsh are thinking.

He insisted the EU will act ‘constructively’ but ‘as one’ and was determined to ‘preserve our interests’. Outgoing French president Francois Hollande warned that the outcome would be ‘painful’ for Britain.

Allow me to translate. The EU bureaucrats will act to protect “Their” interests, not those of the European people. As for Hollande? There is a reason he’s being referred to as the “Outgoing” French President. He’s not seeking another term due to ill health. The French voters are sick of him.

Heralding a potentially titanic clash over the timetabling of negotiations, German Chancellor Angela Merkel flatly rejected the PM’s call for talks on the divorce and future trade arrangements to be held in parallel.

‘The negotiations must first clarify how we will disentangle our interlinked relationship… and only when this question is dealt with, can we, hopefully soon after, begin talking about our future relationship,’ Mrs Merkel said in Berlin.

Gee, why am I not surprised that Merkel wants to make it as difficult as possible? Frau Fuehrer Merkel has managed to wreck Germany with her policy of unfettered Islamic immigration. The last I heard, she was also in political jeopardy with her party not as popular as it once was. Besides, like all German leaders, she thinks it’s Germany’s place to “Rule the World!!”

So, basically it’s “Game ON!” for Brexit. One great big hole card Prime Minister May has is President Trump. Where the “Great Mistake”, Barack Obama, threatened Great Britain of they voted to leave the EU, President Trump is all for it and is already setting things in motion to rebuild our “Special Relationship” ruined by King Putt.

Good luck to the British people, and congratulations on taking back your country from the Eurotrash bureaucrats.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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