European Union threatens to break up U.S.

Good day all. I’ve always known the Europeans were not noted for common sense, but this story just out on a threat from the European Commission president may have just given President Trump all the ammunition he needs to pull out of NATO, among other things.

According to a story in the Express by their Brussels correspondent, Nick Gutteridge, the EU Commission president, Jean-Claude Juncker, just threatened to break up the United States. Here are the details to date on this idiots threats:

EUROPEAN Union boss Jean-Claude Juncker this afternoon issued a jaw-dropping threat to the United States, saying he could campaign to break up the country in revenge for Donald Trump’s supportive comments about Brexit.

In an extraordinary speech the EU Commission president said he would push for Ohio and Texas to split from the rest of America if the Republican president does not change his tune and become more supportive of the EU.

The remarks are diplomatic dynamite at a time when relations between Washington and Brussels are already strained over Europe’s meagre contributions to NATO and the US leader’s open preference for dealing with national governments.

Was this moron drunk when he made this threat, or is he just plain stupid? Personally, I’m betting on just on a combination of drunk, stoned and just plain stupid. He obviously hasn’t been paying much attention to the internal goings on inside the United States. Texas, since President Trump was elected, has lost interest in pulling out of the union. Ohio was never interested in it. Currently, only California is talking about it, and unlike the EU and Great Britain, there are a large number of Americans who can’t wait for them to go.

Speaking at the centre-right European People Party’s (EPP) annual conference in Malta this afternoon, the EU Commission boss did not hold back in his disdain for the White House chief’s eurosceptic views.

For those not from Europe, what they consider “Center-Right” is to the left of the American Democrat party. The left wing parties in Europe are somewhere out beyond Pluto politically.

He said: “Brexit isn’t the end. A lot of people would like it that way, even people on another continent where the newly elected US President was happy that the Brexit was taking place and has asked other countries to do the same.

If he goes on like that I am going to promote the independence of Ohio and Austin, Texas in the US.”

As I mentioned above, those states aren’t interested at the moment. Besides, the United States had this discussion some time ago. The debate went from 1861 to 1865 and was decided in favor of staying together.

Mr Juncker’s comments did not appear to be made in jest and were delivered in a serious tone, although one journalist did report some “chuckles” in the audience and hinted the EU boss may have been joking. The remarks came in the middle of an angry speech in which the top eurocrat railed widely against critics of the EU Commission.

They will be seen as totally inexplicable at a time when EU-US relations appeared to be on the mend, with Vice-President Mike Pence having completed a largely successful trip to Brussels and the commander-in-chief himself significantly softening his tone towards the EU project.

It’s idiocy like this which makes Americans wonder what the Hell we’re doing defending Europe? In point of fact, many Americans are wondering why we are having anything at all to do with that bunch of ungrateful whining inbred, self centered brats. Of course, the fact that the European Union is a complete failure, and all these Eurotrash bureaucrats might end up having to find real jobs could be the reason they’re all going off the deep end. Take these remarks from Donald Tusk on the British exit.

Speaking before him, EU Council president Donald Tusk was less reserved in his remarks about the UK vote as he tore into the populist politics which led to Brexit.

The Polish eurocrat said the argument over sovereignty – epitomised by the Vote Leave slogan ‘take back control’ – was “a view that is both foolish and dangerous” and that the EU guaranteed countries’ strength of the world stage.

He also accused populist politicians, such as the Netherlands’ Geert Wilders and France’s Marine Le Pen, of promoting “organised hatred” with their views on immigration.

One of the reasons people are moving away from both the European Union and their national ruling parties in favor of parties like Le Pen is due to the EU allowing millions of Islamic “Refugees” in who have no intention of assimilating, who go promptly on The Dole, (That’s Welfare to us Americans), and then demand that everyone in Europe bow down to Islam or else. Hundreds of people killed in Islamic Terrorist attacks, thousands of women raped, and governments threatening their own citizens who complain about what’s happening is not the way to win over the General Public.

The European Union is beginning to collapse, and people like Juncker, deep down, know that it’s going to happen. Since they’re going to lose all their privileges, prestige and power if the EU goes belly up, it isn’t surprising that they’re turning on anyone who doesn’t bow down and kiss their ring.

Now that their pet president, Barack Obama is out, and their preferred choice to be the next president, Felonia von Pantsuit was crushed, it’s beginning to sink in that the United States isn’t going to pay any attention to them any longer.

However, this doesn’t excuse what amounts to a threat of war against the United States. That useless tadpole Juncker might want to consider what would happen if he actually tried to carry out his threat.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to European Union threatens to break up U.S.

  1. BruceInVA says:

    Whole lot of millenials over here probably saying, “hey, I want some of what he’s smoking.”


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