Illegal Aliens discover that fear works

Good day all. Since President Trump took office, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, (ICE), agents have been allowed to do their job and go after criminal aliens. We all know how the Progressives feel about this of course. Their pointy heads keep exploding.

What hasn’t really been discussed much is how illegal entry into the Untied States has dropped significantly. The reason for this is simple. Fear. Illegals are afraid of what might happen if they get caught. Here are the details from The Washington Post:

In many ways, President Trump’s attempts to implement his hard-line immigration policies have not gone very well in his first three months. His travel ban aimed at some Muslim-majority countries has been blocked by the courts, his U.S.-Mexico border wall has gone nowhere in Congress, and he has retreated, at least for now, on his vow to target illegal immigrants brought here as children.

Typical of the Moonbats at the at the Washington (Com)Post, not being entirely accurate. The judges ruling against President Trump are all hard left progressives, most of them appointed by King Putt. Their rulings have no basis in the constitution and pointedly ignore both the laws and the Constitution. The Trump administration has been waiting until a new associate justice was seated on the Supreme Court before appealing the rulings.

As to the Wall, it is moving along and is in the bidding and design phase. The RINO’s in congress have been busy ignoring the will of the voters who put them in their seats, and will be dealt with in the next election, unless they pull their heads out of their posteriors and start doing what they were sent to Washington to do.

As for the Dreamers? They are starting to be deported. They are just a lower priority at the moment. Ice is dealing with felons and other criminals first, since they are an actual threat to the safety of Americans and Lawful Resident Aliens. Nice try though, Washington (Com)Post.

But one strategy that seems to be working well is fear. The number of migrants, legal and illegal, crossing into the United States has dropped markedly since Trump took office, while recent declines in the number of deportations have been reversed.

Many experts on both sides of the immigration debate attribute at least part of this shift to the use of sharp, unwelcoming rhetoric by Trump and his aides, as well as the administration’s showy use of enforcement raids and public spotlighting of crimes committed by immigrants. The tactics were aimed at sending a political message to those in the country illegally or those thinking about trying to come.

The world is getting the message,” Trump said last week during a speech at the National Rifle Association leadership forum in Atlanta. “They know our border is no longer open to illegal immigration, and if they try to break in you’ll be caught and you’ll be returned to your home. You’re not staying any longer. If you keep coming back illegally after deportation, you’ll be arrested and prosecuted and put behind bars. Otherwise it will never end.”

As you might expect, the pointy headed progressives are most unhappy with this development.

Immigrant rights advocates and restrictionist groups said there is little doubt that the Trump administration’s tough talk has had impact.

The bottom line is that they have entirely changed the narrative around immigration,” said Doris Meissner, who served as the commissioner of the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service in the Clinton administration. “The result of that is that, yes, you can call it words and rhetoric, and it certainly is, but it is changing behavior. It is changing the way the United States is viewed around the world, as well as the way we’re talking about and reacting to immigration within the country.”

Yes, things are changing. To begin with, people are going back to calling the criminals who hop across the border without permission what they actually are. Illegal Aliens, or Criminal Aliens. This garbage of calling these criminals “Undocumented Immigrants” has come to an end in the Trump administration and now it’s ending with people such as myself. Of course, I never called these criminals anything other then Illegal Aliens, since that is what they are.

The administration’s boldest actions have been blocked by the courts, including Trump’s attempted temporary freeze on the nation’s refugee program, the entry ban targeting majority-Muslim countries and the administration’s attempts to withhold some federal funds from sanctuary cities that do not cooperate with federal immigration authorities.

And, as I said above, these decisions are patently illegal and were made by Obama judges. Their actions will not survive in the Supreme Court, and if our government were actually made up of honest citizens instead of partisan hacks, on both sides of the aisle, (Although primarily Democrat), impeachment proceedings would already be underway.

And like President Barack Obama before him, Trump has struggled to deport some foreign-born criminals whose home countries refuse to take them back.

There is a way to handle that problem. It does involve the United States Marine Corps though. Basically, you take a point of entry, say a port and an airport, fly the illegals who are citizens of that country in, and then chuck them out the gate. Once all the illegals are deported, withdraw from that country. Repeat as needed.

Immigrant rights advocates point to the lessons learned from legal battles in recent years in several states, including Arizona and Alabama, that enacted laws granting local police broad powers to arrest and imprison immigrants. Most of those laws were gutted or struck down by federal courts.

That was under the federal preemption laws. There is some questions regarding these laws when the Federal Government refuses to enforce them and places the citizens of the states in question in physical jeopardy. However, that is a question for another day.

What they’ve done is to export the failed enforcement strategy from the state level that was anti-immigrant to the national level,” said Marielena Hincapié, executive director of the National Immigration Law Center.

And here you see the typical Traitor’s Progressive response. She refuses to acknowledge that these people are NOT immigrants, but criminals. Most Americans have no problem with people coming to the United States as lawful immigrants. They went through the process and we hope that they eventually become citizens.

The goal is to “make life so impossible and difficult for people that they would self-deport,” Hincapié said. “That’s not the case. People just went underground. Here, a big part of the strategy is to instill fear and create a chilling effect.”

So you know where some of these criminals may be hiding? Unless you’re an attorney and you are representing them, you could be criminally charged with aiding and abetting. Now, as to the strategy of making it impossible for illegal aliens to live here, it is actually working. Unless a business or landlord doesn’t obey the law and check the legal status of potential employees or renters, illegal aliens can’t find work or a place to live. As for those that use stolen ID’s, now they’re breaking even more laws then just illegal entry into the U.S.

But just over three months into Trump’s tenure, the frame of the political debate over immigration policy has begun to shift.

“One thing this administration has done that the Democrats’ message has to recalibrate for is that it’s not credible to the American people to say enforcement plays no role in [reducing] the numbers of immigrants coming illegally,” Fresco said. “Some have tried to perpetuate a myth that it is not linked. To the extent the numbers stay low, one thing the Trump administration has been able to say that is a correct statement is that enforcement does factor into the calculus.”

And that is what is driving the Open Borders types on both sides of the political spectrum absolutely bonkers. On the Democrat side, they want open borders so they can use these criminals to rig elections with illegal voting. (Yes it happens and now people are going to jail for it) The RINO’s and GOP(e) types, such as Paul “Eddie Munster” Ryan, have been bought and paid for by the Chamber of Commerce types who want cheap low paid labor. (Since these criminals are paid “Under the table” no taxes are paid on their salaries)

Now we have a president and an administration that is serious about securing our borders for the first time in decades. Some sort of barrier will eventually be built, and we will continue flushing the scum out of congress who refuse to uphold the laws and the Constitution. Eventually even the judicial tyrants on the bench will be removed and true constitutional scholars put in place.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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I am the Angry Webmaster! Fear Me!
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