New law states that words have natural meaning

Good day all. Tennessee recently passed, and Gov. Bill Haslam signed, a new law that states that Words Have ‘Natural and Ordinary’ Meanings.

This is already causing Progressives pointy heads to detonate. The Progressives have, for decades, twisted the meaning of the English Language in the courts to the point that words we all understand, don’t actually mean what they used to mean. Here are all the details from The Stream:

Republican Gov. Bill Haslam has signed legislation requiring words in Tennessee law to be interpreted as having their “natural and ordinary meaning.” Gay rights groups called it a sneaky way of denying same-sex couples the legal rights and protections granted to a “husband,” a “wife,” a “father” or “mother.”

No other state has a similar law, according to the Human Rights Campaign, which advocates nationally for LGBT rights.

I think you forgot a word there dude. That word is “YET.” Considering the games the Progressives have been playing with the language, with the able assistance of the Black Robed Tyrants on the bench, I suspect this law may become quite popular.

Haslam declared when he signed the bill on Friday that the landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision that legalized gay marriage is the law of the land, and this legislation does nothing to change that.

I would argue that statement governor. The Progressive wing, along with that moron Kennedy, basically made the whole thing up. There is nothing in the United States Constitution about this, one way or the other.

But the Family Action Council, which describes itself as defending conservative Christian values, made it clear while campaigning for the law that its purpose is to prevent judges from defining references to husband or wife, which appear throughout the Tennessee Code, as the gender-neutral “spouse.”

Well then, this is an easy fix. The Gay Blade lobby can go to the state legislature and ask that a bill be filed making things gender neutral. Oh wait! How silly of me. The LGBT community doesn’t believe in the democratic process and prefers to use their pet judges to bludgeon people into submission. Why? Because they might actually lose if they went the route that regular people, meaning not progressive, do.

Nearly every elected Republican voted in favor, and nearly every Democrat against the measure. The influential Music Business Association, tweeting that it “values inclusion & celebrates diversity,” urged a veto.

The law addresses questions raised in a child custody dispute between a divorcing lesbian couple in Knoxville. The Family Action Council tried to intervene in the case on behalf of 53 state lawmakers, and was told by the judge they had no right to get involved. The Knox County judge ruled that because she did not meet the legal definition of “husband,” the non-biological mother had no parental rights to their child born through artificial insemination.

So, this group tried to get a judge to listen to them and they were told to get lost. Instead of doing the Progressive thing, rioting, looting and making a nuisance of themselves, they decided to ask for legislation. No wonder the Progressives are pissed. They were circumvented and outflanked.

You will notice that I didn’t say which side they came down on. I will say that one way this could have been fixed was to have the non-genetic parent adopt the child. I believe there are legal tools for this.

The bill’s sponsor, Republican Sen. John Stevens of Huntingdon, said he has “no idea” if it could infringe on the marriage and family rights of same-sex couples. He said he simply wants undefined words to mean what they meant at the time lawmakers put them into the law.

How shocking! Making sure that words mean what everyone thinks they mean.

The governor described the law in this way:

The language of this bill is for a general definitions section of the Tennessee code, which defines ‘road’ and ‘sheriff,’ among other common terms. For at least 150 years, courts including the Tennessee Supreme Court and United States Supreme Court have looked to a word’s natural and ordinary meaning when deciding cases.”

So the state legislature has some precedent regarding this sort of law. No worries, I’m sure some pinhead of a judge will overturn it. Of course, the LGBT people could try something different. Going to the legislature and seeking laws to correct the problem faced by the two individuals who broke up in the first place. But then, that would make sense. The one thing Progressives can not stand, is anything that makes sense.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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