Gruber blames Trump for Obamacare’s failure

Good day all. Jonathon Gruber, the architect of Obamacare, has poked his pointy head out of his classroom and announced the reason Obamacare has failed miserably. It’s all Trump’s fault.

Gruber, who teaches economics, (allegedly), at MIT, was the main architect for Obamacare, and prior to that, Romneycare in Massachusetts. Both have been abject failures. The only reason Romneycare hasn’t garnered the coverage of it’s failings is Obamacare came out and replaced it. (What is it with Progressives and their desire to reinforce failure?) Now, with Obamacare on the ropes and waiting for a stake to be driven through it, Gruber has once again shown up with his reasons as to why it has failed miserably. Here are the details from The Washington Times:

After being told that Iowa’s lone insurance company in 94 of its 99 counties is considering dropping out, Mr. Gruber said, “Look, and whose fault is this?”

Before President Trump was elected, there were no counties in America that did not have an insurer,” Mr. Gruber said on “Fox News Sunday.” “Since President Trump has been elected …”

Host Chris Wallace then interrupted Mr. Gruber and said, “Wait, you’re going to blame the problems with Obamacare on President Trump?”

Yes Chris, this moronic Moonbat is. Typical of the delusional Progressive Elites, he refuses to acknowledge that his stupid idea is a complete and utter failure. Trying to blame President Trump for the insurance companies pulling out of the Exchanges demonstrates to the world that he should not be allowed into a classroom. The insurance companies have been pulling out of the exchanges for several years now. Why? Because remaining in them would have driven them into bankruptcy.

An MIT economics professor, Mr. Gruber was widely criticized after a video surfaced in 2014 in which he said that the “stupidity of the American voter” was key to Obamacare’s passage.

I wrote about Gruber’s remarks back in 2014 when he opened his mouth and inserted his foot, right up to the hip. It’s nice to see his arrogance hasn’t diminished since then.

Signed into law in 2010 by President Barack Obama, the Affordable Care Act has been plagued for years by lower-than-expected enrollment and higher-than-expected costs. In his Sunday interview, however, Mr. Gruber said the president has undermined Obamacare since taking office Jan. 20.

Insurers’ profits were trending positively, insurers were saying positive things about their ability to stay in the exchange, to succeed,” Mr. Gruber said. “Then you have a president who comes in, undercuts open enrollment, doesn’t honor the obligations this law makes to insurers.”

On what planet was this happening? The only reason the insurance companies were making any money was due to Obama literally looting the treasury and illegally transferring funds to them. All President Trump did was enforce the law, put forward by Gruber and shut down the illegal payments. Of course, Gruber’s ignores that little fact. No, he blames the lack of advertising for the collapse of Obamacare.

Republican strategist Karl Rove said that Mr. Trump may have stopped the Affordable Care Act enrollment advertising after assuming office, but that Obamacare’s problems with soaring premiums and fleeing insurers began long before that.

Trump stopped the ads on the 26th of January, and the end of the enrollment period was the 31st,” Mr. Rove said. “Really? The problems of Obamacare are going to be solved by four days’ worth of TV ads?”

House Republicans passed Thursday a repeal-and-replace bill, the American Health Care Act, which Mr. Gruber criticized as inferior to Obamacare.

Nothing is going to “Fix” Obamacare other than taking out behind the barn and shooting it.

“You had a system which was not working perfectly, but it’s a system which was very fixable,” said Mr. Gruber.

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Obamacare was a disaster from day one. It was imposed on the American People by the progressive totalitarian left for one purpose. Control. The insurance companies backed Obamacare originally because they saw the mandate that people must by insurance as a nonstop revenue source. They didn’t take into account the other parts that Gruber and his ilk in Congress added, the mandated coverage that made absolutely no sense at all, (coverage for pap smears for men? Prostate exams for women?), along with other requirements that turned a guaranteed profit into probable bankruptcy. This is why the companies are bailing out, not a lack of advertising.

Gruber and his ideas have been thoroughly discredited, mush as Robert Reich’s ideas as Secretary fo Labor under Bill “Bubba Horndog” Clinton were discredited. And just like Reich, Gruber refuses to admit he was wrong and make adjustments to his theories. As the late, great John Wayne once said:


~The Angry Webmaster~

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