ACLU wrecks their own case

Good day all. When President Trump took office, he issued an Executive Order regarding a travel ban from countries that are known terrorist havens. This drove the left nuts and they found a couple of Obama judges to illegally stop the EO’s.

Now that President Trump has put a new justice on the Supreme Court, he’s appealing the blatantly illegal and unconstitutional rulings by these black robed tyrants. One of the groups arguing to seize power away from the elected officials and vest it into the Progressive judges is the American Civil Liberates Union. However, in arguments Monday, May 8th, the lawyer for the ACLU took a bazooka and blew a massive hole in his foot. Here are the details from Need to Know:

ACLU Lawyer Omar Jadwat, arguing against President Trump’s travel ban before the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals on Monday, admitted that the same exact travel ban “could be” constitutional if it were enacted by Hillary Clinton.

Jadwat argued that Trump’s campaign animus motivated the order, making it illegitimate. This claim was challenged by the Fourth Circuit’s Judge Paul Niemeyer.

If a different candidate had won the election and then issued this order, I gather you wouldn’t have any problem with that?” Niemeyer asked.

Oh that’s a nice one. That idiot lawyer set himself up nicely, serving a gentle lob over the net right at the judge, who smashed it…right into his Progressive face.

Jadwat dodged on directly answering the question at first, but Niemeyer persisted, asking the question again.

Lawyers are exceptional tap dancers when they get cornered, bu it looks like Judge Niemeyer nailed Jadwat’s feet to the floor.

Jadwat again tried to avoid the question, asking for clarification on the hypothetical, but Niemeyer once again demanded an answer.

We have a candidate who won the presidency, some candidate other than President Trump won the presidency and then chose to issue this particular order, with whatever counsel he took,” Niemeyer said. “Do I understand that just in that circumstance, the executive order should be honored?”

And Jadwat’s response?

Yes, your honor, I think in that case, it could be constitutional,” Jadwat admitted.

Jadwat also denied that presidents’ actions should be nullified by campaign statements, despite the fact that his entire argument seemed to rest on that claim.

Game, Set, Match. Of course, that didn’t stop the ACLU from continuing to dig a hole for itself.

The ACLU lawyer also tried to claim that the order was illegitimate due to its being “unprecedented,” but this point also crumbled under a quick cross-examination.

Nice going numbnuts. Of course, the case you brought never had a chance once it reached honest judges who put the constitution and the law ahead of politics. The Executive orders were well within the purview of the President of the United States and you admitted as such when you stated that if Felonia von Pantsuit had won, then there would be no problem with it.

Its always nice to see a judge rack an idiot over the coals when they don’t have a legal leg to stand on. The ACLU just handed President Trump another win, even if that wasn’t their plan. One of these days, I’m going to get tired of winning, but today isn’t that day.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to ACLU wrecks their own case

  1. BruceInVA says:

    After all the losses to the progressives, it is going to take a whole lot of winning in the next eight years before I can even think about getting tired (or tarrred as Cankles would say, at least when trolling for southern votes) of winning.


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