Trump takes Poland

And the Poles cheer him on. Good day all. President Trump is currently in Europistan annoying most of the Eurotrash leadership. This does not include Poland, the Polish people or their government. Instead, the Poles gave President and Mrs. Trump a YUUUGE welcome.

This, of course, pissed off the Western Eurostanian leaders, along with the American Moonbats, no end. To top off his annoying the EU leaders and the Progressives in America, President Trump gave a speech that had the Polish audience cheering wildly. The speech was generally well received, even by a fair number of President Trump’s critics. However, the usual suspects went on their usual rants. Here are some of the details from Fox News:

President Trump spoke proudly of the Western world pursuing innovation, cherishing art and writing symphonies – but the only instrument a Washington Post writer heard was a dog whistle.

Trump’s Thursday speech in Warsaw was largely acclaimed – even by longtime critics – as the president took Russia to task for destabilizing actions around the world and praised the Polish resistance during World War II as a model for cultures fighting existential threats.

But several left-leaning outlets – including The Post, The Los Angeles Times, Salon and The Atlantic decried the speech as an ode to white nationalism and anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant rhetoric.

The Washington Post headlined an opinion piece from editorial board member Jonathan Capehart “Trump’s white-nationalist dog whistles in Warsaw.” Capehart’s biggest gripe centers around the section where Trump touted Western accomplishments and that began with the line, “We write symphonies.”

Well, we do, and Poland has produced some greats, such as Fryderyk Chopin and many others. I can’t recall any Islamic symphony composers off the top of my head though.

What on Earth does that have to do with anything?” Capehart wrote. “…In that one line, taken in context with everything else Trump said, what I heard was the loudest of dog whistles. A familiar boast that swells the chests of white nationalists everywhere.”

Considering that Capehart is a flaming moonbat, and hates everything about American and Western culture, his statements aren’t at all surprising. As you can see, his first resort was calling everyone who liked what President Trump had to say racist. You can start ignoring him from that point on. He’s just another Progressive who is projecting his own racist beliefs on people who won’t toe the Progressive line. Not to be outdone…

The Atlantic picked up where The Post left off, with an article called “The Racial and Religious Paranoia of Trump’s Warsaw Speech.”

In his speech in Poland on Thursday, Donald Trump referred 10 times to ‘the West’ and five times to ‘our civilization,’” Peter Beinart wrote. “His white nationalist supporters will understand exactly what he means. It’s important that other Americans do, too…The West is a racial and religious term.”

Beinart then goes full nutjob.

Beinart added that what links American and Polish governments ideologically “is their hostility to Muslim immigration.”

The most shocking sentence in Trump’s speech—perhaps the most shocking sentence in any presidential speech delivered on foreign soil in my lifetime—was his claim that ‘The fundamental question of our time is whether the West has the will to survive,’” he wrote. “Trump’s sentence only makes sense as a statement of racial and religious paranoia. The ‘south’ and ‘east’ only threaten the West’s ‘survival’ if you see non-white, non-Christian immigrants as invaders. They only threaten the West’s ‘survival’ if by ‘West’ you mean white, Christian hegemony.”

The left’s delusions when it comes to the goals of Islam don’t border on suicidal, they are suicidal. These bubble dwellers literally refuse to see what is happening in Europe. There are areas that the European governments have all but written off and are now basically Islamic controlled areas. Rather then deal with them, they let these animals do whatever they want, including raping women who they think aren’t submissive to Islam.

President Trump knows who built modern civilization in this hemisphere. It wasn’t the Muslims. For all intents and purposes, their “culture” hasn’t changed much since the 8th century, and as far as they’re concerned, shouldn’t.

The Poles, Romanians, Hungarians, pretty much most of Eastern Europe agrees with what President Trump said. They have had a long, bloody history with Islam. They know that they now have someone in the Oval Office who supports them and will work with them to “Make America Great Again” and in doing so, make Poland and the other nations strong and prosperous. Only a stupefyingly blind Progressive Liberal Democrat would oppose that. It’s sad that so many hate the very things that allow them to make idiots of themselves.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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