Media losing the War on Trump

Good day all. Since President Donald Trump won the Republican party nomination, the Main Stream Media has been on the warpath to “Stop Trump!” When Donald Trump won the election, the Main Stream Media went completely off the rails.

Recently, the Corrupt News Network, (CNN), was forced to retract a story on President Trump, and fire the people involved in putting it together. Oh, I’m sorry, they resigned. Next, James O’Keefe of Project Veritas landed several more solid blows to what remained of CNN’s credibility. Then came the flat out threats against someone who posted a crude video of President Trump curb stomping someone with a CNN logo for a head.

We also have many other networks and periodicals that have been slamming President Trump. The problem with all these assaults is that President Trump isn’t playing by the normal Beltway rules. In other words, he isn’t rolling over and running up the white flag. Instead, President Trump has been beating the MSM like a drum. Now, the results are starting to come in and it doesn’t bode well for the Mostly Stupid Media. Their revenues are down, sharply. Here are the details from The Hollywood Reporter:

Stocks have thus far thrived in the era of President Trump, but one sector is lagging: entertainment media. In the first half of 2017, the S&P 500 is up 8.2 percent, but five of the seven media conglomerates are underperforming that benchmark. In fact, of the 50 media companies tracked by The Hollywood Reporter, 30 have either fallen or have advanced less than the broader markets.

Negative sentiment due to the political environment has weighed on the sector, and investors don’t know when the next catalyst will come,” says Tuna Amobi of CFRA Research. “The sectors doing well under Trump are where government money is being spent, such as in infrastructure and health care.”

Even though he acknowledges that the election of Trump, who is oftentimes critical of news outlets and of Hollywood liberalism, “has not been a catalyst for media stocks,” Amobi says it is “counter-intuitive,” because the president is rolling back regulations and is friendly toward mergers and acquisitions, thus there’s potential for the sector.

Ok, let’s see what is really going on from my obviously biased point of view. This story also covers movies and television, as well as the news conglomerates. To be honest, it’s rather hard to tell the difference these days. It’s not uncommon to see a news reader, oh, I’m sorry, a News Anchor, showing up on a fictional movie or television show. This used to be unheard of, but these days, the lines between News and Entertainment have long since been erased.

The article in the Hollywood reporter continues on, primarily looking at why Hollywood movies and TV shows have been crashing and burning. The answer to that is very straight forward, even though the Hollyweirdos don’t want to hear it. They’ve been producing nothing but crap for years, and overpriced crap at that. Way to many of the movies coming out are either boring, or they have a nice hard left political message in it. People look at that and say, “I’m going to pay $20+ to be insulted by a bunch of morons? No thanks!”

This is also trickling down into the world of “journalism.” Almost all the major news networks are owned by either cable companies or other entertainment corporations. They really aren’t expected to make huge profits, but they’re also not expected to make utter and complete fools of themselves either and damage their parent corporations.

Being caught in one lie after another, (as opposed to an honest error), and then doubling down on the lies ruins credibility. That means that fewer people will pay any attention to what a News network says, to the point of not even watching them.

This hits advertisers who actually expect value for their advertising dollars. If fewer people are watching the Fake News Networks, then they aren’t seeing all the clever ads for assorted drugs, adult diapers and Viagra clones. This means that the companies buying the time on the networks are wasting their money. What do they do then? They take their money elsewhere.

This is what’s beginning to happen. CNN is not doing well. It’s ratings are so far under water, that a sonar system can’t find them. They’ve been caught repeatedly making things up and going so far as to ignore real news just so they can continue throwing hissy fits every time President Trump sends out a tweet on CNN’s fake news.

Time-Warner, the company that owns CNN, is trying to broker a deal to sell it’s self to another corporation. Considering the damage that the moonbats and proglodytes on CNN are doing to their reputations, and top the reputation of CNN, I wont’ be at all surprised of the deals fail, or, if the deals go through, if CNN doesn’t get a complete top down overhaul with many people being shown the door.

The entire news system is imploding thanks to President Trump. They can’t deal with him, and President Trump knows this. He’s beating them at their own game. I hope he never gets tired of winning.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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