Swamp draining at the Veterans Administration

Good day all. While the GOP(e) congress is showing how inept and incompetent they are, (They can’t understand that they’re in charge now), President Trump is proceeding with his swamp draining. His primary target is the Veterans Administration.

The VA is a disaster of the first order. Nothing says government incompetence these days then the Veterans Administration. Wounded soldiers have died waiting for these morons to get them in to see a doctor, and there are proven instances of these administrators deliberately falsifying records to make themselves look good.

When President Trump was Candidate Trump, one of the promises he made would be to clean up the mess at the VA. It looks like he’s hard at work keeping that promise. Hundreds of VA employees are now former employees. Here are the details from CBS News:

The Department of Veterans Affairs announced today that more than 500 officials have been fired for misconduct since President Trump took office earlier this year, according to data posted online.

In an effort for more transparency and accountability within the VA, Secretary of Veterans Affairs David J. Shulkin announced that a public list of employee “accountability actions” will be posted online and updated weekly.

The list outlines a total of 747 disciplinary actions including 526 employees who were fired since January 20. The actions affected a myriad of positions ranging from a tractor operator to VA attorneys. The list does not include employee names due to privacy reasons but does note the employee’s position and VA region.

Well, that’s what I would call a good start. I only ask one question. When will the criminal prosecutions begin with some of these people?

This announcement comes less than a month after President Trump signed the Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act which strengthened the ability of Secretary Shulkin to discipline VA officials. President Trump said that previous laws “…kept the government from holding those who failed our veterans accountable.”

And the Unions are not happy at all of course. The other bit of information on this, is that this isn’t an executive order, it’s implementation of legislation passed by congress. That’s going to make things a bit more difficult for the next Obama to screw things up.

The Veterans of Foreign Wars praised this new VA decision and said the organization is “…very, very hopeful that the Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act will continue to heal the VA, which will definitely help restore the faith of veterans in their VA.”

Our current Congress is run by idiots and cowards on one side, and criminals totalitarians on the other. Still, once in a great while, they can get things done and this is one of those instances.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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