Jane Sanders not feeling “The Bern”

Good day all. A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about Senator Bernie and Jane Sanders hiring lawyers. Jane Sanders, the former President of Burlington College, played some games with financial documents and basically drove the college into bankruptcy. It’s now closed.

Comrade Bernie and Czarina Jane both maintain that nothing illegal was done. Apparently, the U.S. Attorney seems to think otherwise. A federal Grand Jury is now hearing testimony into what happened with Burlington College. Here are some of the details from Fox News:

A federal probe into allegations that Sen. Bernie Sanders’ wife fraudulently obtained a nearly $10 million loan for a land expansion at a Vermont college has intensified, with prosecutors reportedly calling a state official to testify before a grand jury.

The federal investigation is focused on actions by Jane Sanders in 2010, when she was president of Burlington College.

And just what were those actions that now have a Federal Grand Jury looking into this?

At the time, she sought a multi-million dollar loan for a new campus on 33 acres along Lake Champlain. Sanders reportedly told college trustees and bank lenders that the college had millions of dollars in donations that could be used to repay the loan.

I hear a “BUT” approaching…

But The Washington Post reported Monday that trustees said they discovered many of the donors had not agreed to the amounts or the timing of donations listed in materials Mrs. Sanders provided. She had sought a $6.5 million loan from People’s United Bank to buy tax-exempt bonds issued by a state agency, and a $3.65 million second mortgage from the Roman Catholic Dioceses of Burlington.

In order to secure the money, Sanders submitted a spreadsheet that attempted to show appropriate parties that the school had $2.4 million in confirmed pledges, grants, and other funds to repay the debt.

There was just one problem. All these donors? It seems they never agreed to any of this.

In order to get those loans, she had to confirm guaranteed donations of $2.6 million,” Brady Toensing said on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” last Thursday. “Of that $2.6 million, the school was only able to collect about 25 percent…and of the confirmed donations, three of the donors have come forward to say that the school overstated their pledge amounts.”

Now for some background on Brady Toensing. He is a Trump supporter and was an official in the Trump Campaign. This, of course, was evidence to Comrade Bernie that it was all a political witch hunt.

His, (Brady Toesing), involvement has led Sen. Sanders to blast the probe and scrutiny as a “pathetic” and political attack.

There is just one problem for Comrade Bernie’s opinion, it’s this thing called “Evidence.” If there was nothing to any of this but politics, the Feds wouldn’t have impaneled a Grand Jury. That is a big deal and is usually a step in the direction of an indictment. Nothing may come of it, but the fact that they did this seems to indicate they found something. Unlike the garbage the Proglodytes and Democrats have been spewing against President Trump.

Government investigators reportedly suggested that the investigation is focused solely on Jane Sanders and the alleged bank fraud, and not on the independent Vermont senator.

More’s the pity. It would have been nice to see both of them retired to a nice prison somewhere.

While the Obama administration was in office, I don’t think anyone thought that these baseless allegations warranted hiring a lawyer,” Weaver told The Post. “But with Trump and [Attorney General] Jeff Sessions at the helm, that’s a very different situation.”

Yes, it is different. We have an Attorney General who believes in upholding the law, not burying crimes to protect “The Special People.” However, I think this investigation began while Obama was still in office. If I’m incorrect, I’m sure someone will say so, with appropriate citations.

Whether or not Czarina Jane Sanders is indicted or not is up to the investigative/judicial system. From what little we have seen, it doesn’t look to good for her. It looks even worse for Comrade Bernie, even if he wasn’t involved. It shows that those two are hypocrites and firm believers in “The law doesn’t apply to us, only the little people. We shall see how things proceed.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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