Bezo, Buffett claim poverty, demand Govt. Help

Good day all. The clowns in Congress are hell bent on ending the swamp draining by President Trump. They want things to return to their original levels of corruption. Why? So they can help their best buddies. People like Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffett and Carlos Slim, all of whom are crying “POVERTY!”

I find it amusing that three of the richest people in the world are claiming that they are poor. Of course, the issue is a lot more complicated then it needs to be, and the New York Sun helps to explain the situation:

It’s the sort of brazen move that might ordinarily trigger a front-page news story or an outraged editorial — a bunch of rich individuals asking Congress to write them a law that would give them better negotiating power against other rich individuals.

Gee, now there’s something not original. Rich people buying members of congress to help them stick it to other people. So what is it these “Poverty stricken people” want?

Yet in this case, the rich individuals wanting special treatment are the newspaper owners themselves. Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos (worth $83.9 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaire’s Index), New York Times owner Carlos Slim (worth $61.1 billion), and Buffalo News owner Warren Buffett ($76.9 billion), publicly pleading poverty, are asking Congress for a helping hand in their negotiations with Google, controlled by Sergey Brin ($45.6 billion) and Larry Page ($46.8 billion).

In a Wall Street Journal op-ed, David Chavern, president and chief executive of the News Media Alliance, whose board has representatives of Bezos-Slim- and Buffett-backed papers, complained about what he called “an economically squeezed news industry.” The Times, in a column sympathetic to the effort, likened the news providers to “serfs.”

These ultra-rich Proglodytes should consider why the papers they bought are sinking faster than the Titanic. The reason is so simple. They have lost all credibility with the American People because they have been caught lying so often. In the “Olden days” before the Internet, it was almost impossible to determine what was real and what was fake news manufactured by the “Main Stream Media. Today, it’s a lot easier and that is what’s wrecking things for these three elitist proglodytes.

The idea that Congress needs to roll to the rescue of “serfs” like Messrs. Bezos, Buffett, and Slim to bail them out of bad investments just doesn’t pass the laugh test.

These morons are still not understanding what happened last November. Bezo’s Washington (Com)Post has been leading the way in shooting themselves in the foot. The New York Times? Even as a fish wrapper, or bird cage liner, it’s sub-par these days.

In respect of the Times, it’s particularly comical, because, as an editorial matter, the paper generally favors stricter antitrust enforcement. The newspaper that less than two years ago was editorializing that Congress “should also study whether there are ways to strengthen the antitrust laws,” now is backing the move for what its own columnist describes as “an anticompetitive safe haven,” “a limited antitrust exemption.”

The publishers contend that news is a kind of special case because consumers are harmed by a decline in news quality. Or, as the Times quoted Mr. Chavern, “If you want a free news model, you will get news…But it will be garbage news.”

As opposed to what the New York Slimes and the Washington (Com)Post are generating now? For about 10+ years now, the Mostly Stupid Media has watched the rise of the Internet with abject horror. For decades, actually centuries, they were the “Gatekeepers” who determined what was news and what wasn’t. Now, with the Internet, anyone can publish anything, and we have seen a large number of web sites of all political viewpoints, many of them with far better reporting than the so called “Main Stream Media. With Google, Facebook and other sites, people can find more information and quickly determine the biases of the site and writer, and then make a more informed decision. Since these sites get more people, and offer cheaper ad rates, guess where the advertisers go to?

The Google-Facebook world has taken advertising and subscription revenue dollars out of publisher pockets.

Advertisers can now reach targets more efficiently at a fraction of what they used to pay for print ads, and readers can now get news from a variety of sites and editors and journalists, from Matt Drudge to Mike Allen to Glenn Reynolds, rather than having to rely on the judgment of their one hometown newspaper editor.

And, as we have seen of late, that “Editorial Judgment” has become increasingly unreliable…If it was ever very reliable in the first place.

Not even Congress has the power to turn back that clock to the old days. Nor would anyone with any sense want it to, other than someone lucky (or unlucky) enough to have inherited a newspaper, or foolish enough to have overpaid for one.

I suspect the only ones in Congress who would be willing to help these idiots would be the Progressive Liberal Democrats and the RINO elites led by John McSlime and Lindsey Grahamnesty.

Bezos, Slim and the other rich moonbats bought these papers to use them to to push their political agenda’s. Originally, they expected to be slurping at the crotch of Felonia von Pantsuit.

However, something terrible, (For them), happened November 8th; 2016. The peons, reading other sources and looking at unfiltered videos, came to the conclusion that Donald Trump would be far better then the 200 megaton disaster if Felonia had won. Now they’re stuck with dying newspapers, hemorrhaging money and they want Congress to fix it for them.

Yeah, good luck with that! Even if your bought and paid for Uniparty flunkies could get this through congress, President Trump would veto it in a heartbeat. Good luck getting an override on this too.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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