Trump Jr. and the Russian. Collusion? Not likely

Good day all. A few days ago a report came out that Donald Trump Jr, the son of President Trump, had met with a Russian lawyer during the campaign. I haven’t written about it for a simple reason. To much was going on and there was no real information.

As expected, the Proglodytes promptly started screeching “AH HA! Proof! Treason!! Crimes!! Cover up!! Watergate II!!!” Unfortunately for the Moonbats, the Trumps didn’t play ball. Instead, after some admitted confusion on the Trump side, Donald Trump Jr. released the full email chain that dealt with the meeting with the Russian lawyer.

When that happened, and people could actually read what this was all about, the Proglodyte narrative started to fall apart. The Russian lawyer also publicly announced that she was not working for the Kremlin. (Granted, she’s Russian) As the narrative progressed, and more information came out, it showed that the original reason for the meeting, that she had dirt on Felonia von Pantsuit, was a load of manure, and that she was there to lobby for something or other. Donald Trump Jr. left the meeting shortly thereafter and chalked it up as a waste of time.

Now another shoe has plummeted to Earth. Apparently, the Russian’s original visa was denied, and she got a special waiver from the Obama DoJ. Here are some of the details from The Hill:

The Russian lawyer who penetrated Donald Trump’s inner circle was initially cleared into the United States by the Justice Department under “extraordinary circumstances” before she embarked on a lobbying campaign last year that ensnared the president’s eldest son, members of Congress, journalists and State Department officials, according to court and Justice Department documents and interviews.

This revelation means it was the Obama Justice Department that enabled the newest and most intriguing figure in the Russia-Trump investigation to enter the country without a visa.

Later, a series of events between an intermediary for the attorney and the Trump campaign ultimately led to the controversy surrounding the president’s eldest son.

And the Proglodyte narrative continues to implode yet again. The reason that Moscow attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya came into the United States was to lobby for changes to a law that affected Russia.

Veselnitskaya also engaged in a pro-Russia lobbying campaign and attended an event at the Newseum in Washington, D.C. where Russian supporters showed a movie that challenged the underpinnings of the U.S. human rights law known as the Magnitysky Act, which Russian leader Vladimir Putin has reviled and tried to reverse.

So, she not only didn’t have any dirt, she was actually acting as a lobbyist. And it gets better. Well not for the Proglodytes and their minions in the Media.

Veselnitskaya also attended a dinner with the chairman of the House subcommittee overseeing Russia policy, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.) and roughly 20 other guests at a dinner club frequented by Republicans.

In an interview with The Hill on Wednesday, Rohrabacher said, “There was a dinner at the Capitol Hill Club here with about 20 people. I think I was the only congressman there. They were talking about the Magnitysky case. But that wasn’t just the topic. There was a lot of other things going on. So I think she was there but I don’t remember any type of conversation with her between us. But I understand she was at the table.”

Rohrabacher said he believed Veselnitskaya and her U.S. colleagues, which included former Democratic Congressman Ronald Dellums, were lobbying other lawmakers to reverse the Magnitysky Act and restore the ability of Americans to adopt Russian children that Moscow had suspended.

So this whole thing, the “COLLUSION!! PLOTTING!! TREASON!! IMPEACH TRUMP!!” is yet another nothingburger. As to how she got her visa? Now there things are looking a little fishy.

The Moscow lawyer had been turned down for a visa to enter the U.S. lawfully but then was granted special immigration parole by then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch for the limited purpose of helping a company owned by Russian businessman Denis Katsyv, her client, defend itself against a Justice Department asset forfeiture case in federal court in New York City.

During a court hearing in early January 2016 as Veselnitskaya’s permission to stay in the country was about to expire, federal prosecutors described how rare the grant of parole immigration was as Veselnitskaya pleaded for more time to remain in the United States.

In October the government bypassed ?the normal visa process and gave a type of extraordinary ?permission to enter the country called immigration parole,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Paul Monteleoni explained to the judge during a hearing Jan. 6, 2016.

That’s a discretionary act that the statute allows the Attorney ?General to do in extraordinary circumstances. In this case, we ?did that so that Mr. Katsyv could testify. And we made the ?further accommodation of allowing his Russian lawyer into the ?country to assist,” he added.

So, Veselnitskaya was allowed in under very special circumstances, and promptly violated them when she started lobbying. There are some other very fishy things about this as well.

The U.S. Attorney’s office in New York confirmed Wednesday to The Hill that it let Veselnitskaya into the country on a grant of immigration parole from October 2015 to early January 2016. Justice Department and State Department officials could not immediately explain how the Russian lawyer was still in the country in June for the meeting with Donald Trump Jr. and the events in Washington D.C.

It gets even better. Since Veselnitskaya was acting as a lobbyist, and had several others, such as Ron Dellums helping her, they now have the additional problem of acting as foreign agents and not registering as such. That’s a great big Bozo No No!

There’s zero doubt that she and her U.S. colleagues were lobbying to repeal Magnitsky or at least ensure his name was removed from the global law Congress was considering,” said U.S. businessman William Browder, who was the main proponent for the Magnitsky Act and who filed a FARA complaint against Veselnitskaya, Dellums and other U.S. officials claiming they should have registered as foreign agent lobbyists because of the work.

And this is the person the Moonbats, Proglodytes and Democrats think was colluding with the Trump campaign?

Natalia didn’t speak a word of English,” said one source. “Don’t let anyone tell you this was a sophisticated lobbying effort. It was the least professional campaign I’ve ever seen. If she’s the cream of the Moscow intelligence community then we have nothing to worry about.”

That won’t stop the repeated violent impacts on a deceased equine by the Democrats, GOP(e) and the other NeverTrumpers. I’ve seen other, unconfirmed reports, that Veselnitskaya works for the very same Russian company that helped generate that fake dossier on President Trump.

Now if I were someone who believed in conspiracies, I would suspect that she was actually allowed into he United States to help Felonia von Pantsuit by doing some sort of “Gotcha” on the Trump campaign. I suspect that as more and more of this comes out, the Democrats and their fellow travelers will quickly sweep this under the carpet. Why? For the simple reason that it’s starting to blow back on the Uniparty elite in Washington, and that just won’t do.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to Trump Jr. and the Russian. Collusion? Not likely

  1. BruceInVA says:

    What was she doing in never-Trumper John McShame’s office? What was she doing right next to Obozo’s ambassador to Russia? Inquiring minds want to know.


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