CNN does it again

Good day all. CNN, which currently stands for either the “Corrupt News Network,” the “Communist News Network” and formally the “Clinton News Network,” seems to have new name. The Clown News Network.

This one is so stupid you would think it was something written by the Onion. However, it’s true. A CNN anchor didn’t recognize the United State National Anthem. Here are the details from Fox News:

CNN anchor Poppy Harlow mistook the Star-Spangled Banner for the French national anthem, while covering President Trump’s arrival in the country Thursday.

Trump is in France to meet with President Emmanuel Macron, before celebrating Bastille Day together. Trump and Macron shook hands during the arrival, and a band played the United States’ national anthem.

But despite Harlow’s pedigreed education at Minneapolis’ exclusive Blake School and the prestigious Columbia University, she seemed to not realize it was her country’s national anthem. Harlow voiced over the event: “Let’s just listen in to the French National Anthem for just a moment.”

It was moments before Harlow noticed her mistake. Whispers could be heard in the background of the CNN set, and Harlow corrected the error.

I suspect those whispers went something like “Oh HELL! Just what we need now! Someone tell that idiot that this is the AMERICAN anthem, not the French anthem.”

The U.S., American national anthem, I should say,” Harlow said with a chuckle. “Let’s listen.”

The ONLY excuse I will accept is that she literally couldn’t hear the music. The only way that could happen is if the sound from the location wasn’t being transmitted to her earpiece. If that was the case, then there are a few producers who need to be introduced to the unemployment line.

Since I doubt that was the case, I’m left with only one possibility. This bimbo has never listened to the United States National Anthem, called the Star Spangled Banner, in her life. Of course, since she works for CNN, listening to the national anthem would be something management discouraged.

The gaffe comes as the news organization has been under siege by the Trump administration, with the president repeatedly characterizing them as “Fake News.”

Poppy Harlow, (Really? Poppy? Nothing says professional like using a nickname like Poppy) is a classic Proglodyte. I looked at her education, and she has a degree in political science and Middle Eastern Studies.

With an education like that, it’s pretty obvious that the only jobs she’s really qualified for are:

  1. CNN Anchor
  2. Starbuck’s Barrista
  3. Checkout girl at the local supermarket.

And the management of CNN wonders why their ratings, are plummeting faster then a burning Hindenburg. I have a suspicion that the Time Warner/AT&T deal is falling apart even now. The stockholders can thank the idiots at CNN if the deal falls through. Why would AT&T want to take over an organization that was machine gunning itself in both feet? They don’t need the headache.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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