Replace Twitter with Gab.ia

Good day all, this is the Angry Systems Administrator. If you have been following both the news and the rantings and ravings of that crazed psychopath, the Angry Webmaster, you will know that the big internet companies are now actively censoring anyone they don’t like.

Generally I stay rather neutral when it comes to politics, and I’m going to do my best to continue. Anger Central is not what you might call a “Progressive” web site. We have been hit once or twice with the Zuckerberg Faceplant ban hammer. We haven’t been hit as yet with either Google ban hammers or Twitter ban hammers.

We are concerned that this could happen since the Angry Webmaster is not shy about telling people of the Progressive side of the political spectrum that they are flaming morons. While he generally doesn’t use foul language, he does indulge, rather heavily in what is known as “DoubleBadEvilNotGoodWrongSpeak.”

Because of this, we recently rediscovered a potential Twitter replacement called “Gab.” From what we’ve been able to determine, Gab is what Twitter should be, a wide open forum where you can say anything, and offending people is just part of life. As far as we can determine, Gab doesn’t do this, although you, as an individual, can filter out things you don’t want to see.

The site must be annoying the Politically Correct Progressives in Silicon Valley though. Recently, the Google Store removed the Gab Android client. If I recall correctly, the reason they gave was that Gab didn’t censor “DoubleBadEvilNotGoodWrongSpeak.” Considering that Google is utterly evil and is moving to suppress any political views they don’t approve of, this doesn’t at all surprise us here in the Anger Central offices.

Currently, once you set up an account, the only way to post is to hit their web site, I suggest you create an account ans see what you think about it. There is a connector so that you can post to Twitter if you so choose, and we are testing that as well. The site does need some work, and they are currently looking for donations. For the time being, we’re going to continue to use it and see how things progress.

Thank you

~The Angry Systems Administrator~

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