The End is Nigh! The Plague is back!!

Good day all. In recent years, we’ve had a nice scare over the Ebola virus and the possibility of it becoming a pandemic and killing everybody. Now we have something a little more worrisome coming out of Madagascar.

This is a real plague and is apparently spreading rapidly. Unlike Ebola, which, if I recall correctly, requires coming into contact with body fluids from an infected person, this one is airborne. All someone needs to do is breath on you. The WHO is getting a bit worried. Here are the details from the Daily Mail:

The deadly airborne plague spreading rapidly across Madagascar is now at ‘crisis’ point as cases have rocketed by 37 per cent in just five days, official figures reveal.

The outbreak, the ‘worst in 50 years’, is being fueled by a strain more lethal than the one which usually strikes the country off the coast of Africa. The World Health Organization (WHO) now states there are 1,801 suspected cases – significantly higher than the 1,309 it reported last Thursday.

Well, that’s…troubling. Have there been any reports of Zombies yet?

Academics have revealed such a jump in cases over the period of five days is concerning and have predicted it could get worse. The most recent statistics show there have been 127 deaths.

So about 10 percent then. Of course, this is a third world country and reporting is probably running behind.

Analysis of figures by MailOnline show the epidemic could strike a further 20,000 people in just a matter of weeks, if current trends continue. It could be made worse by crowds gathering for an annual celebration to honour the dead earlier this week.

In the normal course of events, those celebrations would be canceled, unless the revelers plan on joining the deceased.

Speaking exclusively to MailOnline, Professor Johnjoe McFadden, an expert in molecular genetics at the University of Surrey, said: ‘It’s a crisis at the moment and we don’t know how bad it’s going to get.’

Professor Jimmy Whitworth, an international public health scientist at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, told MailOnline earlier today: ‘This outbreak though is the worst for 50 years or more.’

Meanwhile, the officials on Madagascar are saying “No Problem! Everything is getting better!”

The figures dispute claims by Dr Manitra Rakotoarivony, Madagascar’s director of health promotion, that the epidemic is on a downward spiral.

The WHO also remains adamant that cases are on the ‘decline in all active areas’ across the country. It said on its website: ‘In the past two weeks, 12 previously affected districts reported no new confirmed or probable cases of pulmonary (pneumonic) plague.’

If you haven’t figured this out yet, this is basically the same plague that wiped out a good chunk of Europe about 500 years ago.

Bubonic plague, which is transmitted by flea bites and was responsible for the ‘Black Death’ in the 14th century, which killed 100 million people. If left untreated, the Yersinia pestis bacteria can reach the lungs. This is where it turns pneumonic – described as the ‘deadliest and most rapid form of plague’. Pneumonic, which is much more serious, is spread through coughing, sneezing or spitting and can kill within 24 hours if untreated.

So, if you run across someone coughing and sneezing, it might be a good idea to head in the other direction. Another thing the local residents might do, at least with this “celebration” they’re all worried about, is leaving the dead bodies in the ground where they belong, and not dancing around with them.

Concerned health officials have also warned an ancient ritual, called Famadihana, where relatives dig up the corpses of their loved ones, may be fueling the spread.

So, we might want to consider the possibility of Zombies after all? How about a quarantine? One of the things that should be done these days is closing down airports. However, the World Health Organization, (WHO), doesn’t think that’s a great idea.

WHO advises against travel or trade restrictions.

And in response, at least one airline said “Screw that!”

Despite its guidance, Air Seychelles, one of Madagascar’s biggest airlines, stopped flying temporarily earlier in the month to try and curb the spread.

Schools and universities have been shut in a desperate attempt to contain the respiratory disease, with children known to come into contact with each other more than adults, and the buildings have been sprayed to eradicate any fleas that may carry the plague.

So someone is working to avert the Zombie Apocalypse, or at least try to prevent a repeat of the 1400’s. Now, if you do get the plague, not all is lost. To begin with, we’re the descendants of the survivors of the “Black Death” that rampaged Europe centuries ago. We have a better immune system. Also, modern medicine can cure the plague if they catch it early enough. Finally, if things were to start blowing up, we have a president who wont’ hesitate to do what needs to be done, unlike the last one. So, don’t worry, be happy!!


~The Angry Webmaster~

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2 Responses to The End is Nigh! The Plague is back!!

  1. Porphyry says:

    “To begin with, we’re the decedents of the survivors of the “Black Death” that rampaged Europe centuries ago.”

    So they survived–& we died? Or maybe you meant *descendants*.

    “We have a better immune system.”

    Do we? Most of us haven’t been exposed to this crud.

    • *grumble blasted keyboard*
      Fixed the typo.
      We haven’t been exposed, no. However those that were exposed centuries ago and either recovered, or never got sick in the first place had children with the same traits, etc.

      So while we might get sick, and could die of untreated, we have a better chance of not dying then the ancestors.


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