It’s OK to be white

Unless you’re an easily offended screeching Proglodyte moonbat. Good day all. It seems someone has decided to start posting stickers all over that Bastion of “Correct Thinking”, Cambridge, Massachusetts that say “It’s OK to be white.”

As you would expect, this has caused the Progressives to have a sudden attack of the vapors, (As in they’ve got vapor lock of the brain), and they are now trying to track down the racists posting the stickers. Here are the details from The Daily Caller:

Unidentified individuals or groups posted stickers saying “it’s okay to be white” around Cambridge, Mass. Wednesday morning.

Police were sent to investigate the matter, and officials asked the Department of Public Works to remove the stickers. The stickers were posted “on light poles and electrical boxes around Cambridge Common and Harvard Square” in the heart of Cambridge, close to Harvard University, The Boston Globe reported.

They called in the police? For what? Oh, I know. The perpetually offended attending that progressive dumpster fire known as Harvard University felt “unsafe” or something.

One Cambridge public works employee told The Globe he had scraped off about 20 of the stickers, and the police said they “received a tip from a resident about ‘a number of stickers’ in the Common.”

Now I would say that posting the stickers and the city paying to have them removed might be a small problem. However, considering the leftist garbage I’ve seen stuck up all over the place, I don’t see why they bothered. The New England weather would destroy them in a couple of months.

The Cambridge sticker incident comes one day after a paper saying “it’s okay to be white” was taped to the front door of a building at the University of Alberta. Native Studies Dean Chris Andersen tore the piece of paper down before “too many people saw it,” apparently seeing it as an offensive act aimed at his department or East Asian Studies.

So, according to this person, who looks awfully white to me, considers it to be racist to post a sign saying “It’s OK to be white?” How about if someone had posted “It’s OK to be black?” Would he tear that one down too? I’ll give you three chances to answer, but you’ll only need one.

It’s juvenile, but these are the kinds of petty imbecilities that are symbolic of feelings of fragility and frailty present in mainstream society,” Andersen told Metro News Edmonton.

To quote the ever so talented, scary smart, exotically beautiful, and distinctly not white Michelle Malkin, Oh Boo Freaking Hoo!

“This was not directed at me, I don’t need people to tell me it’s okay to be white,” said graduate student Jan Buterman. “It’s okay to be human, and this is just bullshit.”

The university labeled the incidents as racist, and told the public that statements like “it’s okay to be white” would not be tolerated.

So, I gather it’s safe to say you hate white people? Isn’t that racist?

University President David Turpin said “the university is aware of several incidents of racism that have occurred on north campus in recent days.”

Messaging or displays that target or marginalize any individuals or groups will not be tolerated. We are working with University of Alberta Protective Services to find the parties responsible,” Turpin said in a statement that also referred to a “racist” pumpkin incident.

You know, that sounds like a threat to me. Now this is Canada, so things like freedom of speech doesn’t exist, except for Progressive Moonbat morons. I have no doubt you will have these “Offenders” summarily whipped with a wet noodle

Metro News suggests that the poster was meant to troll left-wing groups, citing a chat room post that read, “Based on past media response to similar messaging, we expect the anti-white media to produce a shit-storm about these ‘racist, hateful, bigoted fliers’… with a completely innocuous message.”

Gee, you think? I wonder what gave it away? The fact that politically correct idiots have no sense of humor and open themselves up to these sorts of things? Now you are responding in your usual manner, threatening everyone who doesn’t toe the progressive line. It never crosses what passes for their minds, that Progressives are the true racists. Why? They constantly talk about people’s skin color as if that actually matters.

It doesn’t. All a person’s skin does is keep your insides inside, and help regulate the body’s generation of Vitamin D. Nothing more. If someone is so stupid as to think that a person’s skin tone matters, then you are a waste OF skin and oxygen.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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2 Responses to It’s OK to be white

  1. I have come to the conclusion that it is NOT “Ok to be white.”

    It’s Frakking AWESOME!!

    (H/T Day By Day)

  2. Paul Howard says:



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