Good guys with a gun and a pickup

Good day all. Sunday there was a horrific shooting in a church in Texas. Over 20 people were brutally murdered by a scumsucking slimeball who I won’t name. The good news, if there can be any, is that it could have been a lot worse.

When the shooting started, a citizen grabbed his rifle and with no thought for himself, promptly engaged the criminal. The criminal ran drove off and another citizen was stopped by the first citizen who told him what had happened. Together, they chased down the criminal and stopped him. This story is still ongoing, so the 72 hour rule is in full effect. Here are some details from The New York Post:

The man hailed as a hero for confronting the Texas mass shooter during his rampage is a sharpshooting plumber with no military background — who hit the gunman through a gap in his body armor, according to a report.

Stephen Willeford managed to shoot Devin Kelley before jumping in another man’s truck and chasing him down, the Daily Mail reported.

And the other “Real Man” spoke with Fox News about his part in stopping the crazed criminal.

One of the men who said he helped run the Texas church gunman off the road Sunday is being hailed as a hero for potentially preventing more bloodshed after the deadly shooting. Johnnie Langendorff told Fox San Antonio he decided to track down the killer after seeing the gunman, Devin Kelley, exchanging fire with another member of the community. That person, who hasn’t been identified, reportedly shot Kelley during the encounter.
(Note, since this Fox News report came out, the other man was identified. See above)

Langendorff said he arrived at an intersection near the church. He said he witnessed Kelley and the other man engaged in a gun battle and recognized one of the men from the community.

I pulled up on the intersection and I saw the shooter coming from the cars, actually right outside the church his vehicle was parked, doors open, engines open and him and the neighbor across the street and exchanging fire,” he said.

“The shooter got in his truck, the gentlemen with the rifle came to my truck as the shooter took off, and he briefed me quickly on what had just happened and said we had to get him, so that’s what I did,” he said.

Following a brief chase, the two caught up with the gunman.

“We just take pursuit, we speed over 87 through traffic and hit about 95 going down 539 trying to catch this guy until he eventually lost control on his own and went off in the ditch,” Langendorff said.

The police arrived on scene about 7 minutes later. They confirmed that the criminal was dead and reports indicate he shot himself. Thus ended the existence of a total waste of oxygen. The Citizen with the rifle who engaged the criminal is a plumber, and apparently a certified instructor with the National Rifle Association.

Which brings us to the usual response from the Progressives. Before the injured had even arrived at the hospitals, the leftist were screeching about gun control. They were making their usual demands of confiscations, bans, and all the usual drivel they are noted for, including more background checks for pretty much anything.

Then news came out that the criminal was a convicted felon. He had been court-martialed while in the Air Force for beating his wife and child, the child so severely that the child’s skull was fractured. The criminal was sent to the stockade and then given a Bad Conduct Discharge. This should have prevented him from buying or possessing a gun. He was able to buy several for two reasons. The Air Force neglected to put the criminal’s name into the background check system and he also lied on the forms.

The Progressives are forever saying that “The police are there to protect you!” Yes, if they are, in fact, on the scene, they will do their best as demonstrated recently in the terrorist attack in New York City. The problem here, as in the overwhelming majority of cases, is the police weren’t on the scene and it took time to arrive. If it hadn’t been for the “Good guy with a rifle” and another “Good guy with a pickup truck,” the number of victims killed would have been far greater, and the criminal might have gotten away.

Of course, facts like that never get in the way of people like Dianne Feinstein and the other gun grabbing proglodytes on the left. The two citizens reacted to the events in true American fashion as soon as they understood what was happening. We need more people like Stephen Willeford and Johnnie Langendorff and far far less people like the Criminal, and the loudmouths on the left who refuse to put the blame on the individuals who commit crimes, and instead blame objects and society.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to Good guys with a gun and a pickup

  1. VonZorch, Imperial Researcher says:

    A BCD does not prohibit owning firearms.


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