The Bush’s don’t like President Trump

Good day all. The two presidential frauds known as George Herbert Walker Bush, and his son, George W Bush have let it be known that they do not like President Trump, and think he’s bad for the Republican Party.

Both Bush’s were remarkably quiet regarding the disaster known as the Obama administration. Obama did so much damage to the Nation that it may be decades, if ever before we recover. No, these two dyed in the wool, paid up members of the Uniparty, (Gop(e) division), think that the problem is with President Trump and his desire to do what these two morons didn’t. Put America first. Here are the details from the New York Slimes:

President Trump is not a favorite in the extended Bush household. Former President George Bush considers him a “blowhard,” only interested in feeding his own ego. Former President George W. Bush, his son, thinks Mr. Trump fans public anger and came to office without any understanding of the job.

And both worry that Mr. Trump has blown up a Republican Party that they spent two lifetimes building, a party that was once committed to removing boundaries to trade and immigration, promoting democracy and civil society and asserting a robust American leadership role in the world, according to an author who has interviewed them.

I see that these two Globalists have totally misread what last November’s election was all about. Not surprising. After all, they helped Juan Ellis Bush blow over $100 million dollars and win…nothing. His platform was all about throwing open the borders, shipping American jobs overseas and basically being a repeat of the administrations of daddy and his brother.

Neither of the two Republican former presidents voted for Mr. Trump — the father voted for Hillary Clinton and the son voted for “none of the above,” as he told Mr. Updegrove.

And that tells me all I need to know about Bush Sr. He has no problem putting a corrupt psychopath who sold her office to the Russians for cold hard cash. As for his dimbulb son? How much did the Bin Laden family pay you to miss Osama and get the rest of the family out of the States after the 9/11 attack?

Indeed, at one point during the 2016 presidential campaign, the younger Mr. Bush confided to the author, “I’m worried that I will be the last Republican president.”

Allow me to rewrite that. With any luck, you will be the last RINO president.

At the time, I think he was concerned that Hillary Clinton would win,” Mr. Updegrove, the author of several books on the presidency, said in an interview. “But if you look at his values and those shared by his father and Ronald Reagan, they are very much in contrast to the values of the Republican Party today, in particular the platform that Donald Trump ran on, which is essentially protectionism and a certain xenophobia.”

Ronald Reagan? You mean the last president to put America first? The one who’s policies Bush Sr. quickly moved to undo? That Ronald Reagan? As for your Free trade deals, we’ve seen who they benefit and it isn’t the American worker. President Trump is NOT protectionist. He just wants to make sure we get good deals. You two bubbleheads basically handed everything over to foreign powers.

As for xenophobia? Unlike you two, President Trump wants to secure the borders and make sure those who want to immigrate to this country will be a positive. You two idiots just wanted cheap roofers and gardeners. President Trump is trying to clean up the mess that you two, along with the Clintons and Obama made of the immigration system.

The younger Mr. Bush was more circumspect, but also clearly disapproving. The Bushes felt stung by Mr. Trump’s ground-burning attacks that helped destroy the campaign of Jeb Bush, the son and brother of the presidents.

You can either exploit the anger, incite it,” George W. Bush told Mr. Updegrove, “or you can come up with ideas to deal with it.” Jeb, he said, came up with solutions, “but it didn’t fit with the mood.”

That’s because his “Solutions” was more of the same RINO crap you two gave us. Juan Bush basically tried to buy the primary elections. He would have been better off setting all that money on fire. At least it would have supplied some light and heat, along with the ability to cook over it.

When Mr. Trump first entered the race, Mr. Bush thought he would not last and was surprised by the real estate developer’s success at capturing the nomination. Still, he was not impressed.

When Mr. Trump declared that “I’m my own adviser,” Mr. Bush thought he did not understand the presidency. He also lamented Mr. Trump’s lack of humility. “As you know from looking at my family, it is a certain heritage, that’s what they expect, and we’re not seeing that” in Mr. Trump.

President Trump definitely does understand the presidency, in the way it was meant to be. He does not try to rule, such as Obama did. He follows the laws and the Constitution, which is really angering both the Proglodytes and the spineless wimps of the GOP(e). How is he doing this? By making the congress actually do their jobs for once in their worthless lives.

He gave the Rino’s in congress some very simple tasks. Scrap Obamacare, fund the Wall, overhaul the tax code. They have failed miserably and now it looks like there’s going to be a Rino Hunt in the 2018 primary season. Already several Rino’s have announced they’re leaving rather then be crushed in their primaries.

As for comparing yourselves to Reagan? There is no comparison. Ronald Reagan will go down in history as one of the greatest presidents we’ve had. He created the environment for the longest economic expansion in American history, destroyed the Soviet Union without firing a shot and believed in American exceptionalism.

You two?

Does anyone recall the phrase, “Read my lips, No New Taxes!”? Soon followed by the largest tax increase, at that time, in American history. There is a reason that George H.W. Bush was a single term president. As for Junior? The ONLY reason he had two terms was the 9/11 attack and the fact that his opponent, John “Ketchup Boy” Kerry couldn’t wait to surrender to pretty much everyone.

History is going to record both Bush’s as, if not quite failed presidents, as presidents who basically…sucked. At least they weren’t utter criminals the way Bubba Horndog and his wife, Felonia von Pantsuit are, nor did they hate the United States the way King Putt did. Still, you are both irrelevant and just need to go away now.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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