Cuomo to America: All your money belongs to me!

Good day all. Since President Trump and the generally useless Republicans in congress got the Trump tax cuts passed into law, the Democrats have been screeching like harpies over it.

We’ve had Representative Nancy Pelosi, (D-Senile), who is worth a good $30 million, say the tax cuts and bonuses that Americans have been getting are just “Bread crumbs.” Next we had the People’s Democratic Republic of Kalifornistan start the process of confiscating the money businesses will get from the lowered corporate rates. Now we have New York Governor, Andrew Cuomo announce that he and other Blue state governors are going to sue to have the tax cuts declared unconstitutional. Here are the details of Cuomo’s idiocy from Fox News:

New York Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Friday that a coalition of East Coast states will sue the federal government over the Trump-signed tax overhaul, in the latest bid to undermine the law that Republicans have cheered.

The states — New York, New Jersey and Connecticut — appear to be taking aim at a provision that limits residents’ state and local tax deduction (SALT) to $10,000. While the law contains sweeping tax rate cuts for businesses and individuals, taxpayers in high-tax states like those in the Northeast are expected to take a hit from the SALT change.

To be more specific, it will be people in high tax states who have huge mortgages and make far above the average. In other words, Cuomo’s donor base.

“The elimination of full state and local deductibility is a blatantly partisan and unlawful attack on New York that uses our hardworking families and tax dollars as a piggy bank to pay for tax cuts for corporations and other states,” Cuomo said in a statement. “This coalition will take the federal government to court to protect our residents from this assault.”

So Cuomo wants to roll back the tax cuts so that low tax states, which New York isn’t, will continue to subsidize the deep blue liberal high tax states? I don’t think so Tim.

The move has picked up support from Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy and New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy, who just replaced Chris Christie.

“Capping the State and Local Tax deduction had nothing to do with sound policy,” Murphy said. “It is a clear and politically motivated punishment of blue states — like New Jersey and our neighbors —who already pay far more to the federal government than we receive.”

Murphy is already moving to revoke the constitutional rights of the people of New Jersey. He recently announced that he intends to roll back the 2nd Amendment rights the Jersey Whale restored, reluctantly, and start revoking the limited CCW permits now held by law abiding citizens. This comes right after he announced that he is going to protect criminal aliens over Americans and legal resident aliens. In other words, he’s just another Progressive liberal tyrant.

The lawsuit is just the latest attempt by Democratic governors and other high-profile lawmakers to thwart the tax bill.

While a number of major companies have announced bonuses tied to the bill, and firms across America are preparing to revise their income tax withholding for workers, Democrats also have downplayed gains for average Americans as “crumbs.”

Personally, I like my “crumbs.” Of course, I don’t live in a high tax communist run state, and my mortgage on the Anger Central Primary Dwelling comes in well under the cap. But then, I’m not a filthy rich Progressive Liberal elitist Moonbat. Meanwhile, the various Blue states have been looking at a way to shaft businesses and protect their wealthy Progressive ruling class.

Cuomo has separately floated the possibility of largely ending the personal income tax in his state, instead imposing an employer-side payroll tax that’s deductible on federal taxes. This would ease the impact of the SALT cap for employees, though companies would likely adjust wages – which could be offset with a credit.

I wonder what the bill will be called. Perhaps the “New York Full Unemployment Act?” One thing companies have been doing, and it’s escalating, is moving out of these high tax states. Their employees are invited to move with them, but thanks to the policies of people like Cuomo, they can’t find anyone stupid enough to buy their houses. So basically, thanks to the Progressive Liberal Democrats, they’re trapped.

California officials have also raised the possibility of letting residents donate to the state budget, and in return get a dollar-for-dollar tax credit on the full amount of the contribution. Taxpayers would then be able to deduct that ‘charitable’ contribution from their federal taxes, making up for any loss from the SALT cap.

And that is going to fail. In the comments in another post regarding this stupid idea, a commentator, who is a Certified Public Accountant, remarked that what Kalifornistan is considering is actually, illegal.

Cuomo’s lawsuit announcement did not specify a particular legal avenue of attack, though such a suit could claim the law violates the 14th Amendment by targeting certain classes of people — namely those living in high-tax states.

And that will fail. Why? There’s nothing keeping these people from leaving. This isn’t going to stop these Progressive Totalitarians from doing everything in their power to Make America Venezuela Again, and they will rely on one of their pet Progressive judges to help them. It will still fail.

Cornell University Professor Michael Dorf, in an article for Verdict in December, argued that the law could be deemed unconstitutional if a court found that it targeted Democratic states deliberately — but concluded that such a finding was unlikely.

The question, therefore, is not whether the new cap on SALT deductibility disfavors taxpayers in blue states relative to the prior provision. It clearly does that. The question is whether that differential impact resulted from an invidious congressional motive,” he wrote, before concluding that the courts “probably won’t” rule that way.

There’s another reason the courts won’t rule to stop the tax cuts. They aren’t suicidal. The power of the purse, which includes taxation, is strictly in the purview of the United States Congress. If a judge were to say “You can’t cut taxes” it would essentially end the separation of powers and institute judicial tyranny. Congress will have no choice but to land on judges who tried that.

There would be another problem for a judge or judges who ruled for the Progressive governors. The odds of them being flat out murdered would reach near certainty. To begin with, such a ruling would crash the stock markets, and probably the economy. People, who had just lost everything, would see who was responsible and then the lynch mobs would form. I don’t need to tell you what the results would be. Of course, we are a very long way from that happening.

Such attempts to dodge the new law are unlikely to be greeted favorably by Republicans or the Trump administration.

I suspect that if a judge were dumb enough to rule against the tax cuts, he would be frog marched out of the court room and into a cell. One reason might be a criminal charge of attempting to overthrow the government, and another would be to put said “Worthy” into protective custody to prevent the lynch mobs from getting their hands on him, her or them.

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin recently told reporters at the White House: “I hope that the states are more focused on cutting their budgets and giving tax cuts to their people in their states than they are on trying to evade the law.”

Fat chance of that! The Progressive run states are in a bad way financially. They have been looting businesses and working people to the point that they are now leaving. California may lose a congressional seat in the next census, which is why they are so hell bent on protecting illegal aliens. (They’re counted in a census, although they shouldn’t be) Connecticut is in such a deep hole that it’s just a matter of time before they collapse. They’ve all but given up raising taxes any higher. The last time they did, moving vans were at a premium.

Of course, people like Andrew Cuomo, who is as crooked as the day is long, are blind to what’s happening. He and the others, deep down, know that the jig is up. The problem is if they try and change their views, their base will vote them out. As for their base? They are the ultra rich progressives, the welfare couch commandos and the stupid. (Primarily collage students and their professors) They are fine with punishing the country for electing Donald Trump. The rest of the country? Now that things are looking up, they have no intention of letting a bunch of spoiled brats ruin things.

That is all


~The Angry Webmaster~

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