Ketchup Boy Kerry at it again

Good day all. Do you remember John Forbes Kerry? He was Barack Obama’s secretary of State after Felonia von Pantsuit had run out of potential bribery targets. He’s also the one who helped Obama surrender to Iran.

Kerry, who is, to be blunt about it, about as smart as a block of concrete, has decided that he’s going to continue as Secretary of State and possibly become President in 2020. Being his usual arrogant self, he’s been working hard to undermine President Trump’s policies in the Middle East. In other words, Kerry is once again violating the Logan Act and probably committing treason as defined by the Constitution. Here are some of the details from The Jerusalem Post:

The former US Secretary of State also surprised his interlocutor by saying he was seriously considering running for president in 2020.

Obviously, Ketchup Boy hasn’t learned anything from the crushing defeat the last time he ran. In fact, an entire new verb came into being, thanks to this twerp. “Swiftboating.” Now the Wikipedia article I linked to has a political bent to it.

The term swiftboating (also swift-boating or swift boating) is a pejorative American neologism used to describe an unfair or untrue political attack.

Wikipedia’s authors called the attacks on Kerry back in 2004 as “Untrue,” and thereby say that swiftboating means to lie. The problem was, everything the Swift Boat veterans for Truth put out was verified from multiple sources. This is why you should always be careful when using Wikipedia for anything that might be controversial. To continue…

While the White House has confirmed that since the Jerusalem Declaration there has been a complete disconnect between the Palestinian Authority and the Trump administration, it turns out that the previous administration has maintained contact with PA officials.

Probably due to the fact that President Trump has no interest in talking to terrorists, unlike the previous administration and their two Secretaries of State, Felonia von Pantsuit and Ketchup Boy Kerry.

Maariv reported that former US secretary of state John Kerry met in London with a close associate of PA President Mahmoud Abbas, Hussein Agha, for a long and open conversation about a variety of topics. Agha apparently reported details of the conversation to senior PA officials in Ramallah. A senior PA official confirmed to Maariv that the meeting took place.

And once again, John Forbes “Ketchup Boy” Kerry violates the Logan Act and commits treason. Kerry has a long history of meeting with people and nations hostile to the United States. With the exception of the time he was Secretary of State and possibly a U.S. Senator, he had absolutely no authority to do so. And just what did Ketchup Boy say to the Terrorist? According to Fox News:

Former Secretary of State John Kerry reportedly tried to meddle in Middle East peace talks, allegedly telling a close associate of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas not to “yield to President Trump’s demands.”

Israeli news outlet Maariv reported on the apparent meeting between Kerry and Hussein Agha in London, where the 2004 Democratic presidential nominee also reportedly floated a possible encore bid in 2020.

So Kerry wants to run for President again in 2020? What an arrogant elitist he is. One of the reasons he lost was his obvious belief that he was superior to everyone else and that he was doing people a favor by even bothering to show up art an event. Much like Felonia von Pantsuit, he thinks the Oval Office should just be handed to him. Yeah, good luck with that chump.

But in the conversation, Kerry reportedly told Agha to share a message with Abbas – urging him to “hold on and be strong” during talks with the Trump administration and “play for time … [and] not yield to President Trump’s demands.”

And once again, Kerry shows that his allegiance is to those who are the enemy. He did it with the North Vietnamese, he did it as the junior senator from Massachusetts, (And later senior after Dead Ted finally croaked), and he did it, with official sanction from Obama, as Secretary of State, He does not put America first, he puts himself first and America dead last.

Kerry, who served as former President Barack Obama’s secretary of state during his second term, also reportedly told Agha that Trump would not be in office for long, suggesting he could be out in a year.

According to the report, Kerry used derogatory terms when referring to Trump, and offered to help the Palestinians create an alternative peace initiative. He reportedly asked Abbas not to attack the U.S. or the Trump administration, but rather focus attacks on the president himself.

And once again, Kerry shows why he isn’t fit to be a parking attendant, never mind a public official.

One prominent Trump ally, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, voiced disbelief at the reported comments on Thursday.

Kerry knows as a former secretary of state, a former U.S. senator, that kind of advice would be stunningly unpatriotic, and I don’t think John Kerry would do something like that,” Gingrich told “Fox & Friends.” “I hope he wouldn’t. I would be very, very surprised if a former secretary of state, a former U.S. senator would have said anything that was that overtly anti-American.”

Sorry to disabuse you Mr. Gingrich, but this is typical behavior for Ketchup Boy and frankly, most Progressive Democrats as well.

Kerry’s meeting with Palestinian Authority representatives comes just one month after the Trump administration decided, after years of U.S. promises, to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

“And if elected, I will move the United States Embassy from Jerusalem and place it in the Gaza Strip!”

This week, Pence also fired back against accusations that the controversial announcement made the peace process impossible and breached the trust with the Palestinian leadership.

The truth is, the Palestinians walked away from negotiations for peace with Israel since 2014. It’s time for the Palestinians to come back to the table,” Pence told Fox News this week. “The reality is President Trump made a promise to the American people and he kept that promise in recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.”

And I say, Screw the “Palestinian People.” They’ve had their chance. Israel has bent over backwards trying to work something out for decades, and what have the Palestinians done? Basically kicked Israel in the nuts. Well, the Israeli’s patience ran out and now they will put Israel and it’s citizens first. As for Kerry? It’s time for President Trump to start lowering the boom on these scum. Kerry has repeatedly broken the law over the years and should be made to pay for it. Spending his “golden years” in a federal prison seems suitable to me.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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