Another Obama judge thinks he’s in charge

Good day all. Once again, we have an Obama judge acting as if he is the king of the United States. In this case, we have U.S. District Judge Jon S. Tigar, who has ruled that criminals who illegally enter the United States can pretty much do what they want.

Tigar, who is yet another Obama Judge took exception with president Trump’s moves to secure the border and protect American citizens and legal resident aliens. Here are the details from The Washington Times:

A federal judge blocked President Trump’s new asylum crackdown policy early Tuesday, ruling that federal law allows anyone — including illegal immigrants who jumped the border — to demand protections once they reach U.S. soil.

The decision is a major dent to the administration’s efforts to derail the migrant caravan camped out on the U.S.-Mexico border, undercutting Homeland Security’s efforts to funnel those people to the legal border crossings.

That was the intent of this treasonous judge’s ruling. I wonder if he has given any thought as to what will happen if there is a rush to jump the border? He may have forgotten, but there are military personnel down there and they are trained and equipped to repel invasions. They aren’t trained to arrest, they are trained to shoot.

Under U.S. District Judge Jon S. Tigar’s ruling, they can demand asylum no matter how they enter, and even if they don’t have a real claim, which the administration fears will restore the enticement to attempt to sneak in.

I have now reached the point that if I were president, I would instruct the military and the border patrol to ignore the judge’s order and shove those invaders back into Mexico, or into the Gulf of Mexico, whichever is handier. President Trump, on the other hand, has the patience of a saint when dealing with these criminals in black robes.

Judge Tigar, an Obama appointee to the federal court in the Northern District of California, blocked a rule Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions issued just weeks ago that had said illegal immigrants caught after jumping the southwest border would not be allowed to make asylum claims.

Which is the way it should be. There is a process in place for asylum seekers. Crossing into the United States illegally isn’t part of that process. In fact, here is the section of the Law that applies. Reading through it, it I can see where the judge thinks he has a leg to stand on. However, there is one small part he either missed, or more likely, ignored.

(2) Exceptions. –
(A) In general. – Paragraph (1) shall not apply to an alien if the Attorney General determines that –

(iv) there are reasonable grounds for regarding the alien as a danger to the security of the United States;

There is no doubt that thousands of people, many of them with ties to groups like MS-13, not to mention the plain fact of the numbers involved, constitutes a clear danger to the security of the United States. Then we have this section.

(B) Special rules.-

(D) No judicial review. – There shall be no judicial review of a determination of the Attorney General under subparagraph (A)(v).

Yes, I am skipping around a bit and not going through the entire law. I may even be cherry picking, but at least I’m willing to admit it. However, this isn’t about granting one or two, or even a dozen border jumpers a hearing. This is nothing less than subverting the United States and ending us as a sovereign nation. If you want to grant someone asylum, then I suggest the I suggest Ms. Asia Bibi.

Ms. Bibi was sentenced to death and spent 8 years waiting to be killed for the crime of being a Christian in Islamic Pakistan. She was recently released, and is now trying to keep from being murdered by the ever so loving members of the Religion of Peace, (My Ass), who see her as an infidel.

Other then that, she has done nothing wrong. If anyone deserves asylum in the United States, it’s Ms. Bibi. I am hoping that President Trump is aware of her plight and has begun the process of getting her into the USA as soon as possible.

One other thing that needs to be answered is the question of Standing. Not one of the invaders has made it into the United States as of this post being written, so none of them have been processed yet. Who is filing this injunction? I’ll give you three guesses, but you’ll only need one.

Spokespersons for Homeland Security and the Justice Department said Judge Tigar also erred in allowing the lawsuit to be brought by the American Civil Liberties Union and other immigrant-rights organizations, saying none of them was personally harmed by the asylum changes.

And what was the response to this question of Standing by the Obama Judge?

The groups had argued — and the judge agreed — that they suffered because they had to adapt their own missions.

That is 100% Grade A bullshit. I’ve seen cases in the news where Standing was denied for plaintiffs who had a far better case then “Well, we have to change our procedures, so we’ve been harmed.” The ACLU and the other groups have one goal. The end of the United States as a free, independent nation. Now they want to allow 10,000 people to just waltzed in and get all the taxpayer bennies they can.

No. Absolutely not. I doubt any of those “Migrants” has any real fear, unlike Ms. Bibi. They are coming here for one reason only, to steal everything they can. They also can’t be bothered to apply for entry as real immigrants, unlike the Former Mrs. Webmaster and her sister. They applied, followed the law and came to America. The Former Mrs. Webmaster’s sister has even become an American citizen.

We are heading for a break point in this country, and judges like this walking diaper stain, Jon Tigar, are doing everything they can to speed along the collapse. People like him think they will come out on top and have the ability to rule the masses as their “Leaders.” Instead, they are rapidly moving this nation to a full blown civil war, just like the courts did in the 19th century. It’s time to start reigning in these idiots, and if arresting a few of them and putting them on trial is the only way, then so be it.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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