Obama judges and the rule of law

Good day all. Since President Trump took office, he has been dealing with one major problem left over from the Obama regime. All the CommuNazi judges that were appointed by the Great Mistake.

One of the things President Trump has been doing is reversing a number of very questionable Executive order Obama issued. These orders bypassed the Congress, since Obama knew her couldn’t get actual laws passed. Many of them had to do with Immigration, and a few with the fraudulent Global Warming scams designed to destroy the American energy sector.

When President Trump was sworn in, he started undoing all of these EO’s and in many cases calling on Congress to actually do their jobs. What no one expected were all the Obama judges flat out usurping authority they do not have and reversing the EO’s that President Trump signed. Recall, he wasn’t generally issuing new ones, he was shutting down the Obama EO’s.

President Trump, unlike Obama and the CommuNazi Party, actually tries to follow the laws and the Constitution. He has been hamstrung of course, by the Never Trumpers in the Republican Party, and a few bad choices for cabinet office. (Sleepy Sessions for one) However, since the midterms, the Senate is even more Republican and their main order of business is appointing more judges that actually support the Constitution.

The CommuNazis have finally figured out that the game is up. While they did take control of the House, (Primarily due to retirements of Feckless Rinos), currently, it’s the Senate that is actually critical. While we can expect the CommuNazis to do everything in their power to harass the Trump Administration, In the Senate, new judges, will be confirmed.

This has led to people like Dianne Feinstein offering to make a deal with president Trump on judicial nominations. As I wrote the other day, DiFi and Kamala Harris think their opinions actually matter. They’ve offered to “Allow” President Trump to appoint two of his judges if he will also appoint an Obama judge.

Funny, I don’t think those two idiots have figured out that they no longer have any power at all. Thanks to the stupidity of Dingy Harry Reid, the filibuster is dead with regards to judicial nominations and now the Blue Slip has been tossed into the trash. DiFi’s recent actions during the Kavanaugh hearings were a complete debacle, and she is facing an ethics charge.

The people that “Came forward” to accuse Justice Kavanaugh of every sexual crime they could think of, have been proven to be liars and several are now being referred to the justice Department for investigation and potential indictment. With Sleepy Sessions gone, there is a good possibility that the next AG will pursue those charges.

In all probability, the next massive fight will be when Comrade Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg either retires or dies. She has proven to be a CommuNazi party loyalist, and has stated publicly that she doesn’t like the American Constitution. Her rulings generally support that premise. There is also a good possibility that Justice Stephen Breyer may also check out. If those two kick the bucket, The supreme court will be lost to the CommuNazis for a generation.

They have relied on the Supreme Court to impose their statist agenda when the congress wouldn’t comply, or if the American people opposed that agenda at the ballot box. They could generally count on the USSC to rule their way, which usually meant more liberty being taken from the American people.

Also in the gun sights of President Trump is the 9th Circuit court of Appeals, also known as the 9th Circus. The have the worst record when it comes to their ruling being overturned by the USSC. In many cases, their ruling have no basis in the law or the constitution, and the judges simply decided to legislate from the bench.

Many of their rulings are not only unconstitutional, but actually harm national security. Currently there is a convoy of central and South Americans sitting in Mexico planning to cross over the border with no regards to the laws of the United States. The American no Civil Liberties Union is actually trying to get the courts to rule that they have all the rights Americans and lawful resident aliens currently have, even though they are not even in the United States. The case is in the lower courts, but there is little doubt it will hit the 9th Circus and not much doubt that they will order President Trump to let them into the country.

Such a ruling would be overturned in the USSC now, but the damage that could be done is massive. Thanks to these leftist and Obama judges, we are rapidly moving to a country ruled by Judicial fiat. That will not end well. The best case will be judges being criminally charged with everything up to and including treason, or in the worst case, and one we must avoid, flat out assassinations.

It’s long past time for Congress to put the Judicial firmly back in place as the weaker branch of Government. If that means impeaching jurists for blatantly political decisions with no basis in law or the Constitution, then so be it. That will take out a number of Liberal judges, but a few Conservative ones will also be removed as well. (And as it should be) The judiciary must be as politically neutral as possible. If they refuse to be, then they need to be removed by Congress.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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