DiFi still doesn’t get it

Good day all. Senator Dianne Feinstein and Senator Kamala Harris, both from Kalifornistan, think they are actually relevant when it comes to President Trump’s selection of judges for the federal courts.

How they came to this conclusion is a mystery, considering their antics, particularly that of DiFi during the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing. These two idiots think tht President Trump should listen to them when it comes to appointing new judges. Here are the details from The Washington Times:

Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Kamala Harris, both members of the Judiciary Committee, called on the White House Monday to make a deal to fill court vacancies. The two California senators asked Pat Cipollone, tapped to be the acting White House counsel in October, to broker a deal over three 9th Circuit Court of Appeals positions.

While we continue to oppose the slate of nominees the White House put forward on October 10, we remain hopeful that you will work with us to reach a bipartisan agreement in a timely manner,” they wrote.

They offered accepting Judge James Rogan, a Trump pick, as long as their choice — Judge Lucy Koh — is also confirmed. They also proposed that each party select a nominee from the other’s list to confirm. The third candidate would require further negotiations, as would several openings for California district courts.

All I can say is, that’s got to be some really good coke those two are snorting. They literally don’t have a leg to stand on, especially since the CommuNazis not only didn’t win the Senate, they lost a couple of seats. No doubt DiFi and Princess Wonder Dunce were expecting some help from the RINO sisters, but those two have been safely neutered with the addition of a couple more Senators who actually care about the Constitution. As for Lucy Koh? She has no chance with President Trump. Why?

I think that I’m on solid ground when I say that President Trump’s response to the offer made by these two Moonbats will be:

The CommuNazis might have the House for the next two years, but they don’t have the Senate, and that’s where the long term changes come from, in the appointment of judges who aren’t doctrinaire CommuNazis with a love of legislating from the bench.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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