Some people are just to stupid to be allowed out on their own

Good day all. In this climate where we have the CommuNazis calling anyone who disagrees with them a Nazi, we may have actually stumbled across one. Some moron in Kansas announced that he belonged to “The Master Race.”

This disgrace to the Human Race is one Louis Klemp. He is a Leavenworth County commissioner. He’s also dumber then a box of hammers. Here are the details of this idiots rantings from Fox News:

Kansas Gov. Jeff Colyer has called on a Leavenworth County commissioner to resign after he told a black woman at a public meeting that he belongs to a “master race.”

Racial and discriminative language have no place in our society, and most especially when spoken by someone holding a public office,” Colyer said in his statement Saturday afternoon. “The inappropriate remarks made by Leavenworth County Commissioner Louis Klemp are unacceptable and do not reflect the values of the county which he represents. As such, I call on him to step down as county commissioner.”

This knothead decided to take issue with the presentation of a woman who happens to be of recent African decent.

Klemp’s comment came as Triveece Penelton was making a road development presentation during the Nov. 13 meeting, FOX 4 of Kansas City reported. He was not happy with the options being presented by her and a colleague.

I don’t want you to think I am picking on you because we are part of the master race,” Klemp told Penelton. “You have a gap in your teeth. We are part of the master race. Don’t you forget that.”

Klemp, chairman of the three-member commission, also has a gap in his teeth.

He also has a large gap between the ears.

Fellow commissioners Robert Holland and Doug Smith have also called for Klemp to leave.

In the best interest of the county, he should resign,” Smith said. The commissioners’ page on the county website on Saturday showed photos of Holland and Smith but only a blank space where a photo of Klemp would appear.

Personally, I would not have removed his picture. Actually, I would have preferred he sit for a new one, after he had been suitably attired in a new suit of Tar and Feathers.

Earlier this year, Holland asked the Kansas Attorney General’s Office whether Klemp could be removed from his chairman position. Though he hasn’t received an answer, Holland said he make a motion Tuesday to remove Klemp, according to the Leavenworth Times.

I wonder if this will get the Kansas Attorney general to remove his thumb from his ass and respond. In any case, what brought on that question to the AG?

Last year, Holland criticized remarks made by Klemp in which he said he admired Confederate General Robert E. Lee.

Ok, I really don’t see to much wrong with that, General Lee was a fine general. His strategies almost won the war for the Confederacy. His tactics and strategies are standard reading for anyone serving in the military. The only problem was, he chose the wrong side. Even then, he didn’t make his decision lightly. There must be far more to this then simply admiring Robert E. Lee, and there is.

In any case, I had to do some digging to find out about this Neo-Nazi sub-creature. It turns out he wasn’t elected to the position, he was appointed to fill the position after the previous holder resigned due to health reasons. According to

Because Graeber was a Republican, the party’s precinct committee selected the replacement. Graeber resigned because of health reasons. Klemp will have to leave the commission after voters selected a replacement to serve the remaining two years of Graeber’s four-year term. Klemp did not run in the election.

So when is the new election to be held? The sooner they get rid of that scumbag, the better it will be for everyone. Honestly, I have no use for Nazis like this scumbag. Well, that’s not exactly true. I do have one use. Nazis make excellent moving targets on a live fire range.

I also found out what his remarks were with regards to General Lee. He wasn’t admiring his military acumen, or how he struggled to decide if he was going to stay in the Federal army or not. No, this dumbass was commenting that we needed to make Robert E. Lee’s birthday a national holiday.

In a December 2017 meeting, Klemp sparked outrage when he went on a weird tangent while discussing which historical figures deserve to be honored with holidays, KSHB reported.

While discussing the upcoming county holiday schedule, Klemp said, “Not everybody does them all, because we have Robert E. Lee, who, God, Robert E. Lee, wonderful part of history.”

We’ll never know how great his importance was because the other side didn’t win, which is all good,” he said. “I guess.”

It bothers me that if we’re going to have Martin Luther King Day, why don’t we have a George Washington? I think George was a pretty important guy,” he added at another point in the rant.

This idiot needs to go and soon. If the committee can’t remove him, then the voter must. Trash like this we do not need.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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