Is it ok to equate Democrats with the National Socialist Workers Party Now?

The democrats are more and more showing their true colors. I found this gem on Emperor Misha I’s site ((Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler)) a few minutes ago and followed the various links back to the source. ((BBC News))

From the BBC News story:

A North Carolina state legislator says he supports the military, but a flyer prepared by his campaign could lead some to question which country’s.

Which country you ask? Well here is the picture in question.



For those of you who are not knowledgeable about such things, this is NOT a picture of U.S. forces. This is a picture of World War 2 Nazi soldiers, more specifically the Waffen SS. You can tell by the helmets, (WW2 German style), the jackets, (Camouflage pattern specific to the Waffen SS), and the jackboots.

And who is this fine example of the North Carolina Democrat Party? Well, his name is Tim Spears ((Tim Spears Official Web Site)) and he is a member of the State Legislature of North Carolina.

Yep, this clueless nitwit either didn’t proof read the flyer or doesn’t know a Nazi when he sees one. (Since he’s a democrat, he probably can’t see the difference)

I gather he’s running for re-election down there. If so, I hope he has opposition, and that you fine residence of the state of North Carolina will retire this idiot. Anyone this dumb shouldn’t be allowed out of the house unescorted, never mind allowed to hold a seat in the legislature.

This is one of the most boneheaded campaign flyers seen in a while as far as I can tell. It ranks down there with Phil Hare’s statement that the constitution no longer matters.

Yep, every once in a while the true colors of the Damnocrats comes out.

~The Angry Webmaster~

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  1. Is it ok to equate Democrats with the National Socialist Workers Party Now? – #angercentralarchives

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  3. Is it ok to equate Democrats with the National Socialist Workers Party Now? – #angercentralarchives

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