I voted

I voted this morning on my way to work. The polls opened at 6am and I was there at 6:45am. There was quite a crowd there and a number of people were checking in to get their ballots.

Once I voted I went to the ballot box and slid the ballot into the slot. The counter said I was the 128th person to vote since that polling place opened. There were 5 others in the booths and one or two more checking in.

I bumped into a couple more people on my way out. I do believe this will be a large turn out, and I expect a large number of incumbent idiots to turned out as well.

Now who did I vote for? you may be asking?

Sorry, I believe in the secret ballot, (Unlike Democrats and Union thugs), so you’ll have to guess. I suspect you may already know, considering the political tone of this blog.

So, did you vote? If you didn’t why not? Is the answer because you are a stupid moron? Of course, if you are voting for the liberals, then by all means, stay at home, watch Oprah and open another can of Malt liquor. 😉

Tomorrow we will find out who is in and who is out.

~The Angry Webmaster~

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I am the Angry Webmaster! Fear Me!
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4 Responses to I voted

  1. Pingback: angrywebmaster

  2. Angrysysadmin says:

    I voted as well, and just to annoy you, I voted dead opposite of the way you did, thereby cancelling out your vote. *VBEG*


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