I found this idea for an amendment to the US constitution over at that fine blog, The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiller and thought I would pass it along for your review and comments.

The writers, LC Subotai Bahadur, Lord Pao An, came up with this amendment in answer to a what if question.

What if California, (Or any other state), so bunged things up that for all intents and purposes, they became bankrupt and no longer able to govern themselves?

This is actually a very serious question and one I’ve asked on other forums. California is, for all intents and purposes, broke. They are seeing more people leaving the state then are coming in, and those coming in are not what you might call high quality.

Riffraff and deadbeats would be closer to the truth.

Presently, there is no mechanism for stripping a state of its statehood and returning them to territorial status. California, and several other states that have totally screwed things up by imitating the now defunct USSR expect the taxpayers from the rest of the country to bail them out.

The simple answer to that is NO!

Now if California fails, that means no money for police, judges, etc. So what happens then? Think Somalia on the left coast.

There is no way in hell the rest of the country would allow that to happen, but what would we do? The answer is to basically take over California, or any other state, and fix the problem. Our two very bright writers came up with a proposed amendment that will avoid a constitutional crises. Please read it and remark on it.

I will also ask you to follow the links back to the original posting and make your voices heard there. Also click on their advertisers links and help fill the imperial coffers. 🙂

Pursuant to Article IV, Section 4 of this Constitution, and its charge to the Federal government to guarantee a Republican form of government to the citizens of the several states; in the event that a state shall be unable to so provide as evidenced by fiscal insolvency of the state government, or a widespread and prolonged breakdown of public order, or a failure to maintain the proper functions of the state government for all citizens and legal residents; the citizens of the state can petition the Congress of the United States for the orderly dissolution of the state government on the following basis:


1) A petition for the dissolution of the state government containing the signatures of 25% of the United States citizens and legal residents of the state and supporting documentation of the reasons for such dissolution shall be forwarded to any Member of that state’s delegation to the House of Representatives. The Member shall deliver said petition and documentation to the Clerk of the House and the Speaker of the House.
2) The petition for dissolution shall take priority over all other House business, other than impeachments, and the Speaker will schedule the House to immediately sit as a Committee of the Whole to hear the petition and such arguments for and against as may be offered on behalf of the petitioners and on behalf of the government of the state concerned; sitting as finders of fact as to whether any of the conditions listed above do obtain. If, ¾ of the Representatives present and voting shall agree as to existence of any one of the conditions listed; the case shall be forwarded to the Senate of the United States.
3) Upon receipt in due form from the House of Representatives of any findings that affirm the existence of any one of the conditions listed above; the Senate shall immediately give the petition priority over all business, other than impeachments, and resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole to hear the petition and such arguments for and against as may be offered on behalf of the petitioners and on behalf of the government of the state concerned; sitting as finders of fact as to whether any of the conditions listed above do obtain. If, ¾ of the Senators present and voting shall agree as to existence of any one of the conditions listed; the case shall be forwarded to the President of the United States, to be signed indicating his approval or returned with his objections to the House.
4) If the petition is returned to the House by the President, it shall be subject to the same reconsideration as any other bill; the ¾ vote requirement being applicable for the finding of fact only.
5) If the Petition is approved by both Houses of Congress and either signed by the President, or passed into Law over his objections; at that moment the President shall name a Territorial Governor pro-tem who shall immediately take such steps to have the Federal government conduct a referendum of the registered voting United States citizens of the state on the question of whether the state shall revert to Territorial Status.


1) If the referendum on reversion to Territorial Status shall pass, the Territorial Governor pro-tem shall become the Territorial Governor of a United States Territory encompassing the borders of the former state, and bearing the same name. The Territorial Governor shall have vested in his office the Executive and Legislative power of the Territory, under Federal law as interpreted by the Federal Courts for the Territory. All persons who have served as an elected or appointed official in the government of the former state shall be barred from Territorial Government.
2) Title to all property of the former state government shall revert immediately to the Territory for disposition, as shall the debts owed by the former state. All statutes of the former state, and the former state’s constitution shall be null and void immediately upon passage of the referendum, and henceforth. All contracts for goods, services, and employment with the state government shall be void from the passage of the referendum, and subject to re-negotiation or cancellation by the Territorial Government.
3) The Territorial Government will audit the books of the former state, and shall determine the assets and debts of the Territory. In conjunction with the Federal Bankruptcy Courts, the Territorial Government shall dispose of the assets of the Territory to meet the obligations of the former state in accordance with Federal Bankruptcy law. Upon the issuance of the final decree by the Federal Bankruptcy Court, all financial obligations of the former state will be deemed as having been satisfied, and further financial claims based on the actions of the former state shall be forever debarred.
4) At the conclusion of the settlement of the debts of the former state, the Territorial Governor may, at his discretion, call an election for a Territorial Legislature to assume the Legislative powers of the Territory. All persons who have served as an elected or appointed official in the former state shall be barred from the Territorial Legislature.

1) Seven years from the date of the settlement of all the debts of the former state, citizens of the Territory may petition the Congress of the United States for the admission of the Territory, or of such fraction thereof that the citizen residents shall designate, to the Federal Union as a State.
2) All persons who have served as an elected or appointed official of the former state shall be forever barred from elective or appointed office in the new state.
3) Admission of all or part of the Territory to the Federal Union as a state shall follow the procedures and requirements that govern the admission of other states.

Please vote in our poll and leave comments. Considering how bad things are in California, Illinois, New York and other states now run by Progressives, this is something that needs to be debated.

Thank you

Should there ne an amendment to the constitution allowing for the removal of statehood?

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~The Angry Webmaster~

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