Looking for some software

Greetings all, It’s the Angry Systems Administrator back after a bit of a dry spell. I’ve been exceptionally busy, helping the Angry Webmaster with his Real World Job as well as my duties here in The Anger Central Corporate Data Center.

While helping out the Angry Idiot Webmaster, I saw some of the things that were turning his hair white and making his eyes bulge out even more. Basically, he has to manage the influx of a huge amount of data and he’s been doing this with no budget and limited resources.

My respect for him actually went up a little for the work he’s been doing. ((If by “Up a little” you mean up 3 feet from the bottom of the Marianas Trench))

Basically, what he’s doing is managing telemetry data and if you’re in the field, you know that means tidal waves of information coming in. He’s dealing with literally thousands of small files per hour.

Right now, what he does is keep assorted windows open so he can monitor the directories these files come in to. He’s trying to make sure that no backlog appears as the system he manages handles the incoming data.

I’ve been looking around and haven’t found anything that will do the job. Basically I’m looking for something that will read the number of files in a directory and then post either a graph or a numerical count. It needs to be lightweight and not use much in the way of resources.

The systems it would be on are Windows Server 2003 R2, 32-bit. ((Actually, since it IS Microsoft, 2-bit would be more accurate)) The preference is for FOSS, but a low cost app will do.

If you know of anything, please post it in our comments section.

Thank you

~The Angry Systems Administrator~

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5 Responses to Looking for some software

  1. Looking for some software – #angercentralarchives http://t.co/u2GHcmQomp

  2. Looking for some software – #angercentralarchives http://t.co/Hhlwwu0R

  3. Pingback: nedb

  4. Pingback: angrywebmaster

  5. Not a bad idea caveman. I could use something like that. We will discuss your footnotes at the meeting later.


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