The commercial you didn’t get to see.

Hello again from the bowels of the Anger Central Data Center. Yes, it;s the Angry Systems Administrator with another posting. Wow! 2 in one day!

In any case, this one has nothing to do with computers. It’s about.. ZOMBIES!!

AMC is running a new series called the Walking Dead. I’ll look into reviewing it later on.  No, this is about a commercial for the Comic Vault that was rejected by AMC. I really don’t know why it was. Perhaps you can tell us.

Anyway, here is the ad that was rejected by AMC.

I really don’t see the problem. This is a fine example of an ad aimed at the target audience. It’s not like it’s gruesome or or in bad taste or anything.

So what do you think? Should AMC have rejected this ad?

Should AMC have rejected the Comic Vault Ad?

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~The Angry Systems Administrator~

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4 Responses to The commercial you didn’t get to see.

  1. The commercial you didn’t get to see. – #angercentralarchives

  2. The commercial you didn’t get to see. – #angercentralarchives

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