Fall cleaning

Hello again, it’s the Angry Systems Administrator coming to you live and in person from the Anger Central Data Center. *cough* *cough*

Excuse me, but it’s a bit dusty in here. As the title suggests, I’m cleaning out the place and it’s a mite dusty.

I’ve been blowing out the dust puppies ((Dust Puppy defined)) from the servers and just went through a major dust storm when I opened up the Webmaster’s development box. The camel herd hiding in there among the sand dunes weren’t amused to say the least!

Another thing I’ve done is subscribe to the Carbonite offsite backup service. I’ve grown concerned about the data we have and decided we needed another solution rather then external drives and machine to machine backups.

I’ve installed it on the Blithering Incompetent Obama Wannabe Angry Webmaster’s development system and it’s going to take the better part of a week to back up all the data he has. (Along with assorted viruses and his rather immense porn collection. What? You thought he actually went online to research his subjects? ((and now we know where all the profits are going)))

The rate is reasonable and I’ve signed us up for a three year subscription. I would recommend getting it if you have data you can’t afford to lose. Frankly it’s cheap money for a some serious piece of mind.

Well, back to work. I hear the Angry Facilities Manager backup into the lot with the front end loader. I hope it’s big enough to move all the dirt I shook out of His Stupidness The Webmaster’s system.

~The Angry Systems Administrator~

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